by Abulah Jawara
I will be a champion
I will have fast cars and clothes made of silk
I’ll sleep in a home that’s 2 stories long
My garden will have the finest herbs and nectar-filled flowers that the bees cant seem to stay away from
My family will enjoy every Eid together going places and getting gifts for eachother
I’ll share my life with lovers and friends and cats and the birds that land on my window
The family I’ll be apart of will be loving fun and accepting
Our loved ones will wake to the sound of music and laughter
And oil popping and sizzling on the pans
Our motto will be living life to the fullest
We’ll live in homes with black marble for the walls
I’ll have a mancave that I can go to whenever I please
Mac n cheese with chicken tenders will be the breakfast of many mornings
I will become a millionaire, the first to do so in my family
My little brother will become a basketball player
I’m making sure to train him now
I’ll have fun with my horses on the farm
In the end
I hope to be satisfied
and fulfilled.