My Journey Through Home and Beyond

I am from suitcases,

from worn shoes and travel maps.

I am from the smell of fresh bread, warm, comforting, it feels like home. 

I am from clear rivers, the tall mountains whose paths I hiked as if they were my own.

I’m from colorful festivals,

from Mom and Dad.

I’m from the explorers and the storytellers,

from “Keep going!” and “Dream big!”

I’m from trips with my mom to new places every weekend,

and playing board games with my dad.

I’m from a beautiful country,

with green forests and flowing rivers.

From my friends who feel like family,the nights spent under the stars.

In my room is a box of mementos,

filled with photos and souvenirs,

reminders of where I’ve been.

I am from those moments— held close to my heart— branches of my family tree.

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