Where I’m Going Instructions

Create a poem based on the following “Where I’m Going” shell, and post it here, in our Open Lab site . Think about the BMCC motto: “Start here. Go Anywhere.” If there were no limitations, where would you go? Here is the (optional) template:

Where I’m Going

I will be a/an_______ (adjective and noun describing who or what you will become).

I will have _______ (specific thing or quality) and _______ (specific thing or quality).

My home will be _______ (home description… adjective, adjective, sensory detail).

My garden/park will have _______ (plant, flower, natural item),

the _______ (plant, flower, natural detail)

My family will honor/enjoy _______ (family tradition)

and _______ (family trait or quality).

I will share my life with  _______ (adjective and noun describing loved one)

and _______ (another loved one) and _______ (another, can include pets).

The family I create will be _______ (description of family tendency)

and _______ (another one).

Our children/loved ones will hear _______ (something you’d like to tell your future children or loved ones)

and _______ (another example of something you’d like to share with loved ones).

Our belief system will be ______________(representation of religion, or lack of it).

We will live in _______ (the ideal place you would love to live).

We will eat _______ (two food items you’d like to share).

I will _______ (speculative story about something you will achieve),

the _______ (another detail).

My _______ (loved one or family member) will  _______(a detail about something a loved one will achieve).

I will have _______ and  _______ (important objects or qualities you would like to own in the future).

I will be _______ (adjective describing a feeling, e.g. happy, contented, fulfilled).

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