where I’m going

I will be a/an_educated black women

I will have _a place to call my home ______ (specific thing or quality) and _nice car ______

My home will be _well furnished , multiple rooms, with marble floors _____

My garden/park will have _many natural herbs, fruits and vegetables______

the _pool sitting low in the ground _____

My family will honor/enjoy _the family annual dinner ______

and _family trip to Jamaica ______

I will share my life with  _the amazing knwoledge my grandfather shared with me before he passed ______

and _the great cooking skills my grandmother has taught me ______ and __last but not least we cant forget Ace, the family dog .

The family I create will be _ambitious, ____ and ____well educated_____

Our children/loved ones will hear  _” who can’t hear will feel” _____

and _” take the meat out the freezer “______ (another example of something you’d like to share with loved ones).

Our belief system will be (representation of religion, or lack of it).

We will live in _an open minded place we call home______

We will eat __Stew peas with White  rice _____

I will  _be significantly  wealthy ____ ,

the  _bills can’t pay themselves ______ .

My _mom______ will  _forever be well taken care of _____

I will have __more than 1 stream of income _____ and  multiple business______

I will be a/an_educated black women______

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