where I’m from

I am from _Dutch pots ______ (specific ordinary item),  

from _clothes hanging with clothes pins______ (product name) 

 and _dinner cooked by 3 pm ______. 

I am from the savory rich spice smell__ (home description… adjective, adjective, sensory detail). 

I am from the _ackee tree growing in my park yard______ (plant, flower, natural item),  

the _lizards running on the varanda ______  

(plant, flower, natural detail) 

I am from waking up to every Saturday morning to porridge and dumpling  

(family tradition)  

and _the shout of “ Lele come warm up my coffee for 30sec” (family trait),  

from _My GrandpaMan ______ (name of family member)  

and _Grandma Blossom______ (another family name) and _Ace______ (family name).  

I am from the smell of new roses plants in the front of my yard ___ (description of family tendency)  

and   dogs running around the house (another one). 

From  “ who cant hear must feel “ (something you were told as a child)  

and _ “ take the meat out the freezer before I get home”  (another). 

I am from going to church every Sunday , to growing up sleeping in on sundays (representation of religion, or lack of it).  

Further description. 

I’m from _Jamaica ____ (place of birth and family ancestry),  

__beef patties and coco bread _____ (two food items representing your family). 

From the _heartbreaking experience of my grandfather ______ (specific family story about a specific person and detail),  

the ___birth of the 3 latest kiddos in our family ____ (another detail,  

and the __ (another detail about another family member).  

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