Articles on meat packing industry in coronavirus pandemic, related to “Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “Consider the Lobster.”

This is an opinion article:

And here’s an new article from April 28th.

Possible argument for thesis supporting eating meat.

Please post your thesis and argument on your personal food choices.  You can do this briefly on the blog.  The purpose is to make a rational argument for yourself in the present.  Of course, in the future, you may have to change your view.  But what is your thesis and and argument.

Vocab for Pollan

  • Dilemma —
    a dilemma is when a difficult choice has to be made between at least two possibilities,
    usually equally undesirable possibilities
  • Omnivore —
    a person or animal that can eat both plants and animals for food (The worksheet for Pollan further defines terms like vegetarian, vegan, herbivore, and carnivore.)
  • Ethical Decisions and Responsibility —
    the process of evaluating and choosing something with the desire to do what is right regardless of the cost
  • Consumption (food and in general) —
    the using up of a resource (food or other materials); the total amount of food that is available to eat in a town/state/nation; the total amount of food a person eats;
  • Conviction —
    a firmly held belief or opinion
  • Production and/or Products —
    the process of making something
  • Moral Justifications —
    a process of evaluation where a person attempts to make a morally questionable act seem right
  • Culture —
    the customs of a particular people, nation, or other social group

Here’s a “multi-modal text.”

This “text” presents information on the infection rate of the corona-virus in the different states of the U.S.  It does not show the total number of cases in each state.

Take a look and ask yourself:  what do we know about “rate of infection”?  How would you write in words what this chart shows?  How does this graphic informational chart succeed in informing its audience?  Who is the audience for this chart?  Do you need any special knowledge to understand it?  What discourse community does it communicate with?

Article on how countries can prevent spread of pandemic and other articles from media worth reading

This is an interesting article on successful strategies for countries to control the corona virus spread.

Here is an article on a person who wrote a blog from Wuhan in China.

And here’s an article on the not so great idea of social distancing on your private yacht.