At the end of Lecture 17 on Wednesday March 30, Exam 2 will be posted in BLACKBOARD under EXAMS, you will be able to take Exam 2 any time from Wednesday March 30 at 2:00 pm to Thursday March 31 at 11:59 pm (Latest), you will be given 4 hours to take your Exam 2, it must be taken in one sitting.
Exam 2 will cover:
- 3.1 Complex Numbers
- 3.2 Quadratic Functions
- 3.3 Power Functions and Polynomial Functions
- 3.4 Graphs of Polynomial Functions
- 3.5 Dividing Polynomials
- 3.6 Zeros of Polynomial Functions
- 3.7 Rational Functions
- 4.1 Exponential Functions
- 4.2 Graphs of Exponential Functions
- 4.3 Logarithmic Functions
- 4.4 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions
- 4.5 Logarithmic Properties
- 4.6 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
To prepare for Exam 2 go over:
Review for Exam 2 and watch the video
Scientific Calculator IS ALLOWED.
DESMOS Scientific Calculator from our website IS ALLOWED.