- This module contains our second exam. Please note that you have an entire week to write this exam.
- Due date: Monday, midnight, March 18th, 2024, or earlier.
- How to submit your exam: write (or save) your exam as a Microsoft Word document (.DOC file). Upload your exam on the bottom of this page, just like you would upload Reading Response Papers (or quiz). NOTE: YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE NAME OF YOUR EXAM FILE. YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS ON YOUR QUIZ, AS WELL.
- GRADING: Your exam will be graded as follows: each question is worth 20 points, 5 x 20 = 100 points in total.
- RETURNING YOUR EXAM and YOUR FINAL COURSE GRADE: Your graded exam will be returned to you via email, if you remember to write your email on your exam paper. You can find your final course grade by visiting our class page on Blackboard, and looking at your Grades page.
- Note 1: this is an open book and open notes/videos exam (just like our quiz was). This means, when answering the questions, you can use all of the materials available on our class website. However, you must not use any outside information. Any outside information will be not given credit. Also, everything in your answers must be in your own words. No quotes from any of the readings or videos (you must paraphrase, put everything in your own words).
- Note 2: Your answers to the questions on this exam are supposed to be in short ESSAY format. This means the typical answer should be in the range of 1 double-spaced, typed page. If you’re writing 2-3 sentences, you’re not writing enough.
WRITE – Exam Questions
- Since the Patriot Act was first passed, the argument has been made, that it violates certain parts of the Bill of Rights. Choose two parts of the Patriot Act that we read about in Module 9, and:
- explain what each of the two mean (what does each of these parts do)
- show which Amendment(s) they could be violating and why.
2. Does the First Amendment protect the burning of the US flag ? Explain by referring to the relevant court case discussed in the reading.
3. Describe the differences between the U.S. district courts, circuit courts, and the Supreme Court.
4. What did the Supreme Court decide in the Betty Dukes v. Wal-Mart case? Be detailed in your answer, and discuss specific terms and ideas that that Court used to make its decision.
5. According to MLK, how can we tell the difference between just and unjust laws?
SUBMIT – Your Completed Exam
Your exam must be submitted as a MS Word document (that way, I’ll be able to comment on it, as part of my grading.
Click on the link below to submit your exam: