Charles garcia Discussion 4.1

tools, and materials required for the generation of the product under labor with schematic procedures. They include raw materials, machines, tools, money, workshops, factories, and workforces combined. Through labor, individuals create a product with significant value for the consumer system that is greatly used and generates a great amount of money by their selling-buying.

Value is the importance or worthiness of something . What gives value to value is surplus value . It is profit and increases twice. What makes something valuable is the time being used not the effort.

Value and labor are associated since labor is the source of value and the additional time invested enhances the value of the finished product.

The amount of time needed to make the product is the distinction between labor and labor power. Working a 9–5 job, for instance, requires you to invest your time and energy in your work in exchange for pay.

The double rise in your profit is known as surplus value. value that was added to the starting point. You work four hours (9–1) but don’t leave until five. Four more hours are added to the time you worked, which translates to more money—but not for you, but for the employer.

Charles garcia 3.1

  1. framework. Marxist ideology was first defined as interests that represent the ruling class and provide justification for the current state of affairs that maintains their dominance. The lower classes are then forced to embrace and absorb these interests because they have been socialized—usually out of fear—to accept their place in society. In today’s world, according to certain norms enables people to follow expectations and rewards, which in turn helps them become productive members of a capitalist society. This reinforces ideology. Ideology opposes both revolutionary impulses and alterations to the status
  2. Ideological distinctions between liberal and conservative viewpoints are striking. Conservative philosophy strongly favors a less involved, smaller, less regulated government. The conservative party opposes greater taxes on the wealthy and government “handouts” since corporate elites and other wealthy people make up a large portion of its membership. Conservatives generally support a strong authoritarian state, harsher police tactics, a powerful military, government subsidiaries, and corporate bailouts despite their desire for little government involvement. While liberal philosophy does support a strong government presence, it frequently criticizes capitalism. They contend that a democratically responsive social democracy should offer accessible housing, jobs for all, environmental protection, livable wages, and a platform for free market capitalism, which only serves a select few.
  3. When given alternatives, even when supporting fascism went against one’s own interests, Althusser sought to understand why individuals opted for it. He claimed that different social apparatuses maintained ideology.

Charles garcia

  1. According to Michelle Alexander, the primary explanation for the high number of people sent to prison in the United States today is because “sentencing policies are more one-sided.” This means that “minority” races are more likely to be sent to prison for the same crime than “elitist” races. In addition, “racial disparities in drug-related crimes and the number of people who are sent to prison say more than enough about how the government plans to treat people of color.” Politicians started using “coded anti black language” to get votes from white voters who were also opposed to segregation. Promises to “get rid of crime” meant “find a new Jim Crow” for people of color. This is another example of why it is wrong to send so many people to jail in the United States. First of all, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world.
  2. Since drug use and acquisition are nearly universal among all racial groups, racial differences in incarceration rates cannot be attributed to differences in drug crime rates. This indicates that laws and government policies are to blame for the disparity in rates. When minorities use the same substances as more superior ethnicities, they face greater penalties.
  3. According to my interpretation, the statement “the American penal system has emerged as a system of social control unparalleled in world history” refers to the distinction between the penal system and other forms of oppression that our society has experienced. This could be the case since racist language is now very well camouflaged, making things that aren’t immediately apparent either invisible or ignored. The American prison system currently has stricter laws that favor one race over another.

Charles Garcia

I have come to the conclusion from the second paragraph of Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow that the Southern racism politicians chose to present their argument for racial segregation as “law and order” because it was the simplest way to shift blame from the “violent” Civil Rights Movement to the “segregationist” movement. They were able to use these words because they were able to legally gather enough voters in support of the segregationist cause without incurring any legal consequences. I believe that the Southern Strategy continues to shape American politics in a variety of ways. For example, I would point to the current primary election as an example of how politicians such as Donald Trump use hurtful and offensive language towards minority communities knowing that he has the support of like-minded people. Political leaders often go the extra mile in their language because they know that their supporters will agree with them, even if that language is illegal, unethical, or immoral.