1.a) Ideology in my opinion is an individuals beliefs and values whether it is socially, politically or economically and helps guide their actions. Ideology can help explain problems going on in society and also the solution to them as well. Our backgrounds and where we are from also play a big part in ideology as well. It defines whether our views are more liberal or conservative and our attitudes towards opposing ideologies. Ideologies can influence the ways we interact with other people and are always changing over time.

b) An example of this would be someone from a city such as New York or Los Angeles would most likely be someone who shares a more liberal set of beliefs and ideologies as more people in cities tend to be more left leaning, progressive and tend to advocate for social justice and equal opportunity and probably have a more negative outlook on conservative ideologies compared to someone living in a more rural area who may not see eye to eye on more left leaning issues because a lot of these societal issues do not apply to them and vice versa.

c) Ideology can also be used to spread influence as well for example if you were a politician you can spread your ideologies to your supporters and get people to believe in your ideologies which is how new ideologies can start. As stated above ideologies change over time and by influencing people newer ideologies can be found as people debate people with opposing ideologies and talk to people with the same ideologies. This can help shape the way people identify their selves and their views.

2.I understand the difference between liberal and conservative ideologies in US politics as conservative ideology is more private, in favor of smaller government and less regulation making conservatives rely less on the government and be more self reliant and rely on private industries where social class and income is based on whether you “deserve it or not” rather than looking at societal issues that stop people from being successful and would rather roll back progressive gains such as disability and retirement support and minimum wage. Liberal ideology supports improvement of many services and also support benefits that help people out such as minimum wage and occupational safety. Liberals also believe in advocating for equal opportunities for everyone through ways such as healthcare. Liberal ideology also believes in regulating private industries to protect everyday consumers.

3.Althusser believed that ideology was something that was made to trick us to act against our own interest and to control the population using repressive apparatuses which instill fear and keep people in place by using things like punishment to keep people under control. He views ideology as an influential force that is almost everywhere you go that helps individuals know their place in the world and where they stand in it.

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