1. According to Martin Luther King Jr. just laws are laws that are morally correct and should hold equality and justice which would be right in the eyes of god. Just laws are made to help people and to protect people. Unjust laws are laws that degrade human personality and according to King, any law that degrades human personality is unjust. So laws like segregation are unjust laws. Unjust laws are made to be immoral and goes directly against just laws.
  2. I think that just and unjust laws make a difference as many people try to be morally correct and just so if someone were to break an unjust law there would be consequences to their actions. However in certain situations people can fight for just laws where things that would be morally correct can be seen as immoral or unjust where they are at for example people in nazi germany who helped jewish people is morally correct and just but in Hitlers ideology it was unjust.
  3. An unjust law in happening in the United States is the stop and frisk laws. It is unjust because it stops people to be searched just because they may look like someone who committed a crime. Very often do these stops lead to violence and a lot of times police act outside of boundaries during these searches. An example of a just law is the civil rights act of 1964 where systemic racial discrimination was addressed and made segregation illegal across the nation. This is just because it promoted equality and equal opportunities.

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