1. In a federal system, citizens vote for their representatives. In a confederation system, citizens have a lot of power because the system relies mostly on local governments. In a unitary system, citizens let the central government handle everything. In a federation, the federal government has the most power, and the states or provinces follow its lead. In a confederation, the central government is usually weak, and the states or provinces have more say. In a unitary system, only the central government is in charge.
  2. The system of division of power can be understood as a way to separate and organize the functions of government to make it more efficient and balanced. In the US government, there are three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative branch creates laws, the executive branch enforces them, and the judicial branch interprets them. Additionally, power is divided between the national and subnational levels. The national level handles issues that affect the entire country, while the subnational level deals with matters specific to individual states. This division of power ensures that no single branch or level of government becomes too powerful. 
  3. The federal government direct and instruct the actions of state and local governments. The federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, through the distribution of grants, incentives, and aid during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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