Martin Luther King Jr. states that a just law should always be followed, and those laws are laws that uplifts human personality, and “squares with the moral law or the law of God.” He defines an unjust law is a law that degrades and damages human personality, distorts the soul, and gives someone the feeling of inferiority. Unjust laws are morally unsound should not be followed.
I agree with MLK’s distinction between just and unjust laws. People should not always comply with something just because it is “the law.” Laws should be looked at, reviewed often, and changed to meet the evolving needs of society.
An example of a just law would be that someone should not operate a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This law is morally sound and protects an individual as well as others. An unjust law is that women are denied abortions under any and all circumstances (looking at you, Texas). This law is unjust because it does not always protect and individual and can directly goes against the best interest of the person that is pregnant. This law can cause mental health damage, physical damage, and even death, as well as many, many other issues.