1. To  explain the fact that many people are sent to jail in the U.S today is deeply wrong, we firstly need to understand that as M. Alexander says in “the new Jim Crows” there was two reasons to the mass incarceration in the U.S. The first one, the commonly held believed, was deeply wrong  compared to the actual truth that was covered by the disclosure of false information.  M.Alexander explains that in fact the President Ronald Reagan announced the drug War in 1982, and that was before crack became an issue in poor black neighborhoods. This highlights the inconsistency of the commonly held belief, being that the explosion of mass incarceration in the U.S is due to the government’s endeavor to fight drug crime in poor minority neighborhoods. According to M. Alexander despite all the effort to stop Jim Crows  from being abolished the War on drugs, leading to the mass incarceration was used by politicians as a proxy for a racist conspiracy to put blacks “back in their place”.
  2. Due to segregation, a lot of people ended up seeing a link between racial disparities in the rates of incarceration and the rates of drugs. This is due to the fact that since the beginning of the Drugs war prisons and jails were over- flowing with black and brown drug offender. In fact, it is more likely for black men to be admitted to prison on drug charges at rates twenty to fifty times greater than those of white men. We can also see that approximately 80 percent of young African American men now have criminal records. And this can be found in black communities across all the U.S. But as I said earlier, this mass incarceration is not truly related to the Drugs War. M. Alexander explains that the lack of correlation between crime and punishment can be highlighted by studies showing that people of all colors, use and sell illegal drugs approximately at the same rates. And If there is a difference to be found, they frequently suggest that whites, particularly white youth, are more likely to engage in drug crime than people of color. As a matter of fact, we can see that the rates of incarceration “cannot be explained by rates of drug crimes”.
  3. The penal system used mass incarnation as a proxy to their segregation. As they needed a more political way to entertain a gap between what they called the races. Segregationists politician where so focused on this idea that they reached a point where no other country in the world imprisons so many of its racial or ethnic minorities than the U.S. Even South Africa at the height of apartheid imprisoned a tiny percentage of its black population. This makes me understand that even if Jim Crows was abolished, the American penal system managed to entertain a gap preventing the minorities from growing and getting their chance. All this hating has fed the American penal system to emerge “as a system of social control unparalleled in world history.”

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