Devin Rivera – D.B. 3.2

  1. A repressive state employs force and coercion, which is why Althusser describes it as “repressive.” These states use fear as a tactic to suppress the population and maintain order. An example of a repressive state apparatus is how the media emphasizes narratives that instill concern over Trump’s potential return to office.
  • On the other hand, ideological state apparatuses propagate beliefs through channels such as education, religion, and media. These apparatuses operate through school systems and media outlets, as they are integral and unavoidable aspects of daily life. As mentioned earlier, the media serves as a tactic to create and amplify fear.
  • The difference between repressive and ideological apparatuses lies in force, fear, policing, imprisonment, and the judicial system. Ideology, on the other hand, involves the methods used to implement these structures.
  •   “The Communist Manifesto” is an example of an ideology. It originated in Russia as a political movement opposing the Western idea of capitalism.  

Sakaelli Reid

1) A Repressive State Apparatus consists of the army that is being used to maintain order. He called it repressive because that’s the only way it was function, for an example the police or courts are considered RSA.

2) Ideological State Apparatuses are mostly like schools, religious institutions trade unions which support individuals with the values and beliefs. For an example religious institutions help us to understand each person’s beliefs and practices and most people usually go to the church.

3) The RST mostly focuses on the functions through violence while ISA functions by Ideology beliefs.

4) This is an example

DB 3.2

According to Althusser Repressive state apparatus are those institutions that works trough coercion, force or the threat such the police, military and courts

in the other hand, Ideological state apparatus are the opposite institutions that works tr ough persuasion, teachings and behavioral developments to make individuals accept the social norms. such school, family, religious organizations and few cultural systems

the difference is mainly the approach it have to the individual, mode of operation, the visibility and function

RSA are direct, visible and forced

ISA are indirect, subtle and persuasive

An example of an Ideology is Catholicism it is subtle but firm, it provides the Christian ethics and moral through the sacred scriptures, it is a philosophy based on loving your neighbor.

in some cases this ideology is conveyed from home, from a very little age, and it shapes how you see the world, how you see yourself and how you treat other people

Maor Noach – Ideology – 3.2

  1. The Repressive State Apparatus consists of institutions like the police, military, and courts that maintain social order through force or the threat of force. Althusser calls it “repressive” because these institutions enforce compliance directly, often through violence or coercion if necessary. Their role is to protect the ruling class by controlling behavior and suppressing the urge to rebel. For instance, when police break up protests or arrest activists, this is an example of the Repressive State Apparatus maintaining social stability by using physical power. Repressive State Apparatuses serve as visible and direct forms of control compared to more subtle ways that influence social behavior and thought.
  2. Ideological State Apparatuses are institutions like schools, media, religion, and cultural organizations that influence people’s thoughts and beliefs. Unlike Repressive State Apparatuses, they don’t rely on force but instead work through persuasion and social conditioning. Althusser argues that Ideological State Apparatuses shape people’s understanding of themselves and the world to fit societal norms and maintain the status-quo. For example, schools teach students obedience, discipline, and respect for authority while presenting these behaviors as natural and necessary. By instilling specific ideologies, Ideological State Apparatuses ensure that people accept the social order without questioning it, which makes their role less visible but equally powerful.
  3. The primary difference between Repressive State Apparatuses and Ideological State Apparatuses is their method of control. Repressive State Apparatuses maintain order through direct, physical force or threats, while Ideological State Apparatuses influence people’s beliefs and behaviors indirectly. Repressive State Apparatuses are more visible, using coercive means such as policing and legal systems to ensure compliance. In contrast, Ideological State Apparatuses work subtly, shaping how people think and act through institutions like schools, media, and churches. Althusser believes both serve the interests of the ruling class but operate differently to maintain societal stability. Repressive State Apparatuses handle resistance, while Ideological State Apparatuses instill ideologies that make resistance less likely in the first place.
  4. Example – ideology

    I chose to bring ABBA’s song ‘Money, Money, Money” as an example of ideology. This is of course Ideological State Apparatus and not a Repressive State Apparatus because it doesn’t use force or threatens it.
    The song is talking about a person’s dream and desire to be rich, but something is keeping them from achieving this goal:

    “I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
    Ain’t it sad?
    And still, there never seems to be a single penny left for me
    That’s too bad”

    Whether it is because of taxes or low wages, the writer is complaining that although they work very hard to promote themselves in life and fulfill their dreams, the money they earned doesn’t stay with them for long. In both cases, it is criticizing the capitalistic approach to pay low wages for one’s work. Also, in capitalism, the rich portion of society are paying little to no taxes on their assets while the poorer portion pay more taxes in relation to their income.
    This is in my opinion a call for some sort of action to change the way society is treating those who work hard for their paycheck.

Mia Farley – DB # 3.2

  1. As covered in my DB #3.1 response, Althusser broke the system of ideology down into operating functions of “Repressive Apparatus” and “Ideological Apparatus”, both of which influenced people to accept and maintain the status quo. However let’s get into the “Repressive Apparatus”, It is one of the two tactics Althusser believed powerful institutions used in order to control the public, specifically through the threat of violence. The main usual threats of violence are the police, the courts, and prison. Althusser’s usage of the specific term “repressive” was extremely intentional, it highlighted the forceful nature of this tactic. These powerful institutions, like the U.S. government, use it to assert control over the public in order to maintain the status quo. One of the largest examples of a repressive apparatus would be the police, as they serve as the first point of contact between citizens and the criminal justice system. They enforce the laws and maintain order using the threat of punishment, their authority deters resistance and ensures the establishment of the status quo.
  2. Due to fear not being the prime motivator for everyone, according to Althusser’s philosophy, the Ideological Apparatus was created to uphold the status quo for those who were unmotivated by force or violence. It was essentially designed to create the illusion of power and equality. This apparatus using institutions like education, politics, and media reinforced the status quo while making individuals feel as though they were making their own choices when in reality their perspectives and decisions were subtly guided to align with the dominant majority and by operating through institutions like education, politics, and media the Ideological Apparatus reinforced power structures while disguising control as a personal choice. Specifically, politics maintains the status quo by giving an illusionary choice, voters feel as though they are making independent decisions, but they’re selecting from predetermined options. Similarly, media offers an illusionary choice between indistinct commodities. And lastly, education is the most powerful institution as it is the only mandatory one, in schools children are blatantly taught reading writing, and math, however, they are subtly taught discipline and tactics which ensure individuals conform to societal expectations, once again reinforcing the status quo at an early age.
  3. The Repressive Apparatus and Ideological Apparatus work hand in hand, as the Ideological Apparatus often steps in when the Repressive Apparatus fails to maintain control over the majority. There are key differences between the two, the largest being that Repressive Apparatus practices direct force and intervention while Ideological Apparatus utilizes subtle influence rather than direct force/intervention. The Repressive Apparatus uses direct force through institutions like the police, courts, and prisons in order to maintain the punishment as a control tactic. However, the Ideological Apparatus uses subtle influence, specifically psychological manipulation to shape the public’s perception. Through institutions like education, politics, and the media citizens’ beliefs and views of society are guided to align with the dominant ideology.
  4. I’ve chosen America’s national anthem, known as the Star Spangled Banner which is typically performed at public events, this is an Ideological Apparatus as it does not practice direct intervention but instead uses subtle psychological manipulation to encourage unity and loyalty to the United States.

Vanessa Camacho – Discussion Board 3.2

  1. Repressive State Apparatus is a form of control using fear and laws to push people to follow a specific ideology. It is referred to as repressive as it is used to prevent people from acting on their interest; it “represses” their impulse to go against the rules of society. The police and the courts are an example of Repressive Apparatus, as they use force to compel people in society to obey or there would be consequences. You are arrested for not following the rules of society, threatened by the idea of court or prison, and given write-ups or tickets for breaking even smaller laws. Repressing power by force to get you to obey the rules.
  2. Ideological State Apparatuses focus more on shaping beliefs and values rather than threatening people. This allows individuals to develop an understanding of what social norms are and what is expected by preparing them. Ideological State Apparatuses use a system where it is mandatory for those to attend; it would reach their goals similarly as it would be repressive. An example of an Ideological Apparatus would be in the education system, as this space teaches discipline and respect for authority without the harsher punishments but that there are consequences and to prepare them to meet the expectations of them so they can settle in society. School creates an environment where learning is enforced through reward and punishment to shape their behavior, not without the need for threats but with a more subtle psychological effect to mold behavior and their minds that following rules brings rewards and to defy them creates consequences. Another example of this would be the medieval Catholic Church, as this space does teach the basics such as writing and reading as schools do. The Catholic Church deemed it appropriate for those to have discipline as the church transmits beliefs and thoughts and shapes the way you view the world.
  3. The difference between Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses would be the methods they use to spread their ideology and control. Repressive uses fear and threats of punishment to create suppression. Ideological State Apparatuses use rewards or create the opportunity through media for our need of belonging to be sated.
  4. In the film 1984, the scene named Two Minutes Hate is a prime example of Ideological Apparatus. In this scene, a group known as the English Socialist Party uses the media to sway the minds of the people by using hatred and fear as a motivator in controlling behavior. By using visuals and audio commentary, they push the masses away from the party, hiding their true motives to a singular enemy, which the crowd yells out as Goldstein. They do this to instill hatred for dissenters, embedding the ideology that they are in the right and should be the only group to follow.
  5. 1984 (1/11) Movie CLIP – Two Minutes Hate (1984) HD

Junice Ramirez- Repressive vs Ideological State Apparatus

  1. The Repressive State Apparatus is a concept from Louis Althusser that describes how a government maintains control over its citizens through force. This includes institutions like the police, military, courts, and prisons. Althusser calls it “repressive” because it uses violence to silence opposition and maintain social order. The term “repressive” shows how the state depends on force to manage people, especially during times of crisis or strong disagreement. Basically, it is how the government uses power to maintain order and authority.
  2. Ideological State Apparatus prevents change to the status quo, including school, politics and mass media. For example, in politics, we’re given options that make us feel like we’re part of the decision-making process that effects the society we live. It keeps things the way they are by making us think we have a choice. Similarly, the media shows us many products to buy, but they’re often very similar. This makes us feel like we’re in control, but really, we’re just choosing from a limited set of options that don’t really challenge the system.
  3. The Repressive State Apparatus uses force and authority to control people (fear, law enforcement), while the Ideological State Apparatus uses ideas and persuasion (schools, media, politics). One relies on coercion, and the other relies on influence.
  4. Imagine by John Lennon is an ideological state apparatus because it’s shaping us to conform to the dominant ideology of world peace. For example, he invites us to imagine a world without war suggesting that peace is achievable if people share a collective dream for it. It promotes human unity and encourages people to vision a world where everyone lives as equals. The overall “Imagine” message embodies a hopeful perspective because it invites people to dream of a better world and consider their role in making it a reality.

Musa Islam- discussion 3.2

  1. What is a Repressive State Apparatus? Why does Althusser call it “repressive”? Can we explain his choice of words here? Give an example.
    A Repressive State Apparatus is any state institution that enforces order through force or the threat of force. Althusser calls it “repressive” because these institutions maintain control by using physical repression, such as punishment, surveillance, or coercion. The key idea is that Repressive State Apparatus operate through violence or direct control rather than persuasion.

Example: The police and military are classic examples of Repressive State Apparatus. If there are protests against government policies, police forces may intervene by arresting protesters or using force to break up demonstrations. Their role is to ensure obedience through repression, not by changing people’s ideas.

  1. What are Ideological State Apparatuses? How do they seem to work?
    Ideological State Apparatuses are institutions that control people through ideology rather than physical force. These include schools, religions, the media, and cultural institutions. Unlike RSAs, which enforce obedience through repression, Ideological State Apparatuses shape people’s beliefs and values, making them accept the system as natural or just.

Ideological State Apparatuses work by influencing how people think and see the world. For example, schools don’t just teach math and science they also teach discipline, respect for authority, and national pride. This makes students internalize certain values that support the existing system.

  1. How are the Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses different from each other? What is the difference between the two?
    The key difference is how they maintain control:

-Repressive State Apparatuses use force or the threat of force (police, military, prisons, legal system). They physically control people and punish those who resist.
-Ideological State Apparatuses use ideas and beliefs to shape people’s thoughts (education, media, religion, family, culture). They make people conform without needing direct coercion.
Example: Imagine a student refuses to stand for the national anthem in school.

If the police arrest the student for disrespecting the nation, that’s Repressive State Apparatus at work.
If the teacher convinces the student that standing for the anthem is a sign of respect and loyalty, that’s Ideological State Apparatuses at work.
Both methods ensure control, but one is based on force, and the other on shaping beliefs.

  1. Post an example of ideology and specify if this is an example of repressive or ideological apparatuses at work.
    Example: A commercial that glorifies the American Dream showing that anyone who works hard can become rich. This is an Ideological State Apparatus at work because it promotes the belief that success is purely based on individual effort, ignoring social and economic inequalities.

Valerija Butakova – Repressive & Ideological Apparatuses

  1. A Repressive State Apparatus is a form of behavioral reinforcement in society where the common public is controlled by the threat of violence. This includes policing, judicial court systems, and imprisonment. Althusser’s choice of the word “repressive” demonstrates a sort of paradox, where no matter if you obey or rebel against society, you are still going to obey societal structures. The repressive apparatus will prosecute and then ostracize you if you decide to rebel, it is still maintaining social obedience. The U.S. prison system is a perfect example, as it disproportionately targets marginalized communities and punishes people directly instead of addressing the root causes of crimes. Crime is often tied to poverty, but instead of offering support for social mobility, these communities are incarcerated and left without an opportunity for rehabilitation.
  2. Ideological State Apparatus is what there is before society resorts to Repressive State Apparatuses. It is the social practice of being an “accepted” member of society by complying with the structure of it, sometimes unknowingly. There is a feeling of being a part of something that people crave, it could be religion, political ideologies, social groups, sports, etc. This comes with the process of socialization, the key factor being the school system. From a young age we are continuously taught how we are supposed to behave, but the way the reinforcement is structured lines up with the behavior that is expected from employers when you are old enough to finally work.
  3. The Repressive State Apparatus and Ideological State Apparatus are both methods used to keep society under control. The main difference is that RSA works directly to keep individuals under control through violent consequences, and ISA works indirectly by having implemented societal norms that individuals are less likely to question and are naturally “forced” to follow.
  4. This artwork made by a former prisoner is an example of Repressive State Apparatus. “Silence…Repent,” 2005. Vincent Nardone

Kevin Hernandez – Discussion Board 3.2

1. Repressive State Apparatus is the judicial system of police, prisons, and even the army . Althusser calls it repressive as it enforces rules and standards that maintains order by force. Althusser says it in this way to assert the forces and correlation that put fear into society through sanctions and violence when people don’t understand by words. An example is a protest march in the streets, where authorities show up and tell people to back up and leave. This force of authority is meant to maintain law and order in case things escalate. 

2. Ideological State Apparatus is the programming state of mind that maintains their obedience in society without force. They are the institutions and programs that portray expectations and rules such as schools, family and the media. People follow easily as they see this as normal and right to go by what they see as influential.  

3. Repressive state apparatus uses violence or the threat of violence to maintain control by force one way or another. People will feel expected to obey and comply. Ideological state apparatus maintains force by influential ideology. Such as the teachings of religion, education and ideas that influence the mind to operate based on what is seen as appropriate without having to be under pressure to follow.    

4.    Below is an example of Repressive state apparatus since law enforcement is being used to assert control of any escalation in the form of riots. And to shut down any further advance of the cause that people are protesting about.

Repressive State vs Ideological State Apparatus- Kaylin Snowden

  1. A Repressive State Apparatus is a concept developed by Louis Althusser. The ruling class creates and maintains order by creating fear through institutions such as jail/prison, court, police, and the military. It creates the fear of punishment. For example, during the 1960’s the Commissioner of Public Safety in Birmingham, Alabama named Bull Conner sent the Birmingham Fire Department to stop a civil rights protest. He ordered them to use dogs and fire hoses to get the protesters out of the street simply because he didn’t agree with the fight to end segregation. He abused his power and used state power to maintain the status-quo.
  2. An Ideological State Apparatus is also a concept developed by Louis Althusser. These are the institutions within society that mold the public’s beliefs, views, and values. This is done through schools, churches, and media. For example, after 9/11 there was a new influx of fear and prejudices against Muslims in America. This lead to Muslims being portrayed as violent terrorists in media and politicians calling for a “muslim ban” which would prohibit Muslims from both entering and living in America. These ideologies were spread through Ideological State Apparatuses which influenced how Americans viewed Muslims and produced ignorant stereotypes.
  3. The Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses are different from each other because of their approach. The Repressive State Apparatus uses fear and maintains order through physical force. The Ideological State Apparatus persuades the public and influences the public’s values and opinion.

This is an example of an Ideological State Apparatus. The entire slogan “Make America Great Again” promotes nationalism and embodies patriotism. This influences people to support the movement because when you become a supporter, you are actively making America “great”.