Devin Rivera – D.B. -3.1

  1. My understanding of ideology can be interpreted as a personal belief system, a principle that one embraces wholeheartedly. It involves having a strict moral code and knowing what you believe to be the right course of action. For example, one might believe in living the traditional All-American life, though such a scenario exists only in an ideal world. When it comes to American politics, abortion is the number one topic of discussion. Conservatives tend to oppose abortion, while Liberals, tend to be opposite because of the belief of helping those in need. (Note: The thoughts were shaped before watching the video.)

I realized that ideology functions as a system that keeps people in check, essentially ensuring that the lower-class citizens stay in line or confront the fear of consequences aka Policing. This ideology has been ingrained in all of us from a young age. We are taught in schools to behave to authority, to believe that we have choices in our everyday lives, all the way to the end of our existence. What once existed as a feudal structure with “lords and kings” has just transformed into a system dominated by figures in suits, big corporations, and politicians, now the phrase “the rich keep getting richer”.

  • I understood the difference between being a Liberal and being a Conservative as follows: Democrats and Liberals tend to support public welfare and advocate for providing aid and assistance to people both in the United States and abroad. In contrast, Republicans and Conservatives often emphasize a strong faith in Jesus, oppose universal healthcare, and are generally against abortion.

In school, we were taught that the United States was once a superpower since World War II, which instilled a belief that our country should help smaller nations in need. My first real awakening to the political landscape occurred in 2009 with the slogan “VOTE FOR CHANGE.” I vividly remember where I was on 9/11, as well as the discussions about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the ongoing battles in Afghanistan that were pursued under President George W. Bush (Republican) largely for economic interests in oil. In 2006, Vice President Al Gore (Democrat) raised awareness about environmental issues and global warming in the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” Under President Obama (Democrat), a healthcare system was established to support middle and lower-class citizens. President Biden (Democrat) has focused on immigrants entering the country and the aid of other countries like Ukraine, while President Trump (Republican) emphasized an “America First” policy, ensuring the belief of returning the power to the United States once had. The dividing line among these leaders is evident in the topics they discussed, as well as their policies and concerns. Democrats tend to prioritize people and the environment, while Republicans focus more on the economy. In summary, as noted by Parenti in “Democracy for the few.”

  • The way I understand Althusser’s definition of ideology is that it isn’t just a belief but a system to shape people through an “imaginary relationship” (talk about boundaries), Historically the ideology was imposed on people through lords and kings through force and fear. So, to prevent “rebel scum” from happening ideology went through the education system, religion, media, and even family.

My responses to the previous questions relate to Althusser’s definition of ideology. I believe that my education and my upbringing—especially the narratives I heard about the traditional American lifestyle and the ideals of a prosperous America—shaped my understanding in a way that felt like an ideology being imposed on me. I often reflect on the idea that “we are all born Democrats, and as we grow up, we become Republicans.”

My View On Ideology- Sakaelli Reid

1) What Ideology means to me is a set of beliefs or different perspectives held by a group of people or individuals.
An example of Ideology is Socialism which believes in unity basically sharing equally ownership so that everyone doesn’t feel left out.

2) By understanding the differences between conservative and liberal ideology in the US policy, which we speak about conservative it’s mostly based on individualism values and Liberal is mostly about freedom of speech. An example would be, for Liberal they care about fairness and human rights which is important while conservatives caress about authority.

3) After watching Althusser video, his definition of Ideology he stated how ideology is important and he also speaks on fear how a-lot of people tend to use that as an example, he also made some really good points referring to as human rights and how almost everyone believes in it and everyone benefits from it even when they don’t believe.

DB 3.1

I understand as a Ideology a series of practices, beliefs, and theories that unites a group of people on a single stand, such a political party, a syndicate, etc

the difference between Conservative and Liberals can be seen and understood mainly in social and economic matters. liberals tend to be more open to minorities and tend to depend on social welfare and justice while conservatives tend to believe in free market, lesser activity and control from the state and they are likely to be more closed towards multiculturalism and minorities and more nationalistic

Althusser’s definition of ideology made me rethink my previous thoughts to the point of questioning at what point I believe what I believe, Nevertheless I think it is a very rational statement and sadly it show us how social apparatus takes control over the masses keeping them blind and manipulated

Understanding ideology Jeahni Bobbitt

1. Keeping in mind the material covered in this lesson, describe how you understand ideology in YOUR OWN WORDS.

A) I believe ideology is the way society is structured by separate belief systems. The rules and codes that are learned and/or taught by (e.g., environment, parent(s), teacher, etc) those within your community from childhood to adulthood.

B) An example of ideology from what I stated above can be how a certain group or individual may believe that snitching on a perpetrator should be a punishable offense even though the perp is in the wrong. It is the environment that one has grown up in that has shaped that belief.


I understand ideology shapes everyone in one way or another. From a capitalist standpoint to religious views. For example some Christians may condemn those who partake in homosexuality— while someone like Jay-z may have voted for Republican Party because it benefits him from a fiscal standpoint.

2. How do you understand the difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics? What seem to be the big differences, the dividing line? Given an example to backup your arguments.

I understand conservatives to be about capitalism, making the rich richer and keeping the poor where they are at because if everyone is rich then who is going to keep their businesses running. Liberals are more dependent on government assistance (e.g., food stamps, section 8, etc) and believe healthcare should be an available to all no matter your financial background. Liberals hope for equality and conservatives desire liberty.

3. How do you understand Althusser’s definition of ideology? Paraphrase it in your own words.

Althusser’s definition of ideology is how one’s views are shaped by their environment, parents, or even their religious upbringing. For example: A Christian who grew up in a household where secular music was condemned.

Lyric Sams-Johnson | DB 3.1

1. Keeping in mind the material covered in this lesson, describe how you understand ideology in YOUR OWN WORDS.

Ideology is the beliefs and ideas of an individual or group of people. These beliefs and ideas can be caused by someone’s political, cultural, religious, gender, and economic backgrounds. Ideology also influences how we see the world as a society and how we use our voices to speak on our beliefs. A common example of ideology is feminism, which is based of gender roles. Feminism is the set of belief and theories that promote the achievement of social, political, and economic equality for women. As an ideology, feminism focuses on gender equality, critiques patriarchy, etc. People who actively promote feminism believe that women should have equal rights and opportunities that men do. Additionally, feminism critiques and gives their opinions about the societal structures which perpetuate male dominance, also known as patriarchy. This illustrates how ideology affects people’s view on society when it comes to equality. This is because it shows the comparison of how people in society benefit based on their political, gender, economic, etc background.

2. How do you understand the difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics? What seem to be the big differences, the dividing line? Given an example to backup your arguments.

The difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics is that conservatives like minimized government regulations, free market capitalism, and private profits. Liberals, on the other hand, advocate for environmental protection, wage laws, and social security. They also support corporate tax breaks sometimes. There are many factors that seem to be the differences in ideology in US politics. Some of these factors are the social, cultural, economic, & religious backgrounds we identify with. For example, during the 2024 election, there were many that showed the difference of votes based on the voters social, cultural, economic, & religious identity. Furthermore, one main factor that plays a role in making someone consider themselves to be liberal or conservative is how they were raised. People who were born in liberal households are more likely to be liberal when they grown up and the same goes for conservatives.

3. How do you understand Althusser’s definition of ideology? Paraphrase it in your own words. Given an example. Hint: you may have to watch the second video again, and find the few places where Althusser’s position is presented.

Althusser’s definition of ideology is how people understand the world, however, it’s shaped by society and in places like schools, the media, religion, and families. These places shape how we think and act without us noticing. For example, in schools we are taught how to respect authority, follow rules, etc. which plays a role in helping the system to continue.

Maor Noach – Ideology – 3.1

  1. In my view, ideology is a set of a person’s ideas which builds their view on how the society should address certain issues. These ideas are all based on and derived from core values that the person holds and believe in. Ideology do not have much power when it’s believed by individuals, but have an indefinite power when held by a group of people, in the sense that it can lead that group to make laws and do actions based on their shared ideas and believes.
    A good example would be the conservative ideology which put the individual’s needs and benefits above the greater good’s needs and benefits. This ideology is based on values of freedom and liberty. For example, if a person believe that each individual is responsible for their own success without any ‘outside intervention’ of the government, they will vote for a party which offers the least intervention by the government. That party in turn, once in power, would take the necessary measures to ensure the least regulatory intervention by the government in the individual’s everyday life.
    I also see ideology as the driving power of politics. People would act and react to the government’s action based on the ideology they believe in, the set of ideas that they want to see fulfilled and realized. They will also act to convince other people that the ideas that the ideology promotes are ‘correct’ or worth to fulfill and live by. No person would go to vote, to demonstrate or debate without believing in an ideology.
  2. Conservatives and liberals in U.S. politics have different views on government, freedom, social values, economy, etc. Conservatives believe in limited government, focusing on free markets and personal responsibility. They value traditional social norms and prioritize economic freedoms like lower taxes. In contrast, liberals think government should actively address inequality, regulate businesses, and provide social services. They support personal freedoms related to lifestyle choices and champion progressive social values.
    A key difference is how much power the government should have. For example, conservatives often oppose government-run healthcare, believing competition is better, while liberals support it to ensure everyone has access to it. Similarly, conservatives may prioritize tax cuts for businesses, while liberals push for raising the minimum wage. In short, conservatives want less government intervention, while liberals see government as a tool to create a fairer society.
  3. Althusser sees ideology as a system of ideas and beliefs that shapes how people understand themselves and society. It works through institutions like schools, media, and religion to reinforce social norms and keep the current power structure in place. Ideology isn’t just what people think, it also shows up in everyday actions. For example, in school, students learn more than just subjects like math and science; They also learn to follow rules, respect authority, and act in socially acceptable ways. They are being taught since young age that there is punish and reward to their actions depending on if it fits the general acceptable norms or not. This teaches them how to fit into society without questioning how things work. Althusser believes this is how ideology helps maintain the social system. He sees ideology as a ‘tool’ for the high-class to keep and preserve the lower-class in place and keep them obeying the rules and without the urge to rebel or question their place.

Musa Islam- discussion 3.1

1. What is Ideology?

a) As I Understand Ideology generally refers to a collection of beliefs and ideas that define the way in which we come to view reality and how reality should be. It influences all aspects of our lives, ranging from politics, culture, our perception of success, and perceptions of fairness. It’s some sort of filter in the head that helps one make sense of society.

b) Example: Take capitalism for instance. This is an ideology based on competition, private property, and free markets being tantamount to the economic growth and freedom of individuals. Those that believe in Capitalism usually emphasize that the State should intervene little, if at all, in the affairs of the market as it has self regulating abilities.

c) Going Deeper: Ideology isn’t only about politics, it’s around us everywhere it dictates our way of thinking about gender roles, education-even relationships. Interesting, though, is that sometimes we don’t recognize that we are being influenced by an ideology because it seems like common sense. Actually, though, what we consider normal is really a product of ideological systems that have been in place for centuries. Because people have different ideologies, there is always a contest over what ideas should take precedence in society.

2. Conservative vs Liberal Ideology in U.S. Politics

The biggest difference between conservatives and liberals in the U.S. is their view on government, social issues, and the economy.

Conservatives believe in smaller government, especially regarding economic policies. They believe in tradition, personal responsibility, and free markets. They usually support lower taxes, fewer regulations on businesses, and strong national security. Socially, conservatives often lean toward traditional values, though this varies.

Liberals believe that the government should be more actively involved in the establishment of a just society. They advocate for universal health care, social programs, and regulations on businesses to prevent inequality. They tend to be more progressive on social issues, such as LGBTQ+ rights, abortion rights, and racial and gender equality.

And then, of course, there’s the big dividing line: healthcare. Liberals: health care is a right provided by the government. Conservatives: health care is a personal responsibility, best provided by a free market system.

Example: Gun control is a clear example of this divide. Conservatives staunchly support the Second Amendment, claiming that people have the right to own guns for self-defense and protection from government overreach. Liberals, on the other hand, push for stricter gun laws to reduce violence, believing that public safety should come first.

3. Althusser’s Definition of Ideology

Althusser’s view of ideology is something within us, leading us to conduct and think as we do largely unconsciously; it is inscribed into routine life through political attitudes, yet it is within the schooling systems, churches, and the media. These various systems inculate what is perceived as “normal” andcondition us to obet certain prescriptions without necessarily thinking why.

Example: Schools don’t just teach math and science-they also teach students to follow rules, respect authority, and fit into the mold of what society expects of them. What Althusser calls the “Ideological State Apparatus” is a method of controlling people without force, simply by shaping their beliefs from a young age.

Breaking It Down: The key idea here is that ideology isn’t just something we believe-it’s something we live. It influences our choices, our goals, and even how we understand success or fairness. Perhaps one of the clearest examples is the idea that “hard work always pays off.” This is a very important value to instill, but this notion slightly ignores systemic inequality and generational wealth, along with many other factors affecting success. However, because this belief is so deeply engrained into society, rarely do people question it.

Kevin Hernandez – Discussion Board 3.1

1. Ideology to me is the concept of a perpetuated view and mentality of how a society should work. Ideology is a set of beliefs and ideas that a great representative of a group represents. I think of ideology in terms of economic and political ideas in the world. Ideology can be good or bad. Ideology has a great influence on the targeted audience that it represents and tries to reason with. People look for various ideologies that match their ideology in mind in the private or public sector. Ideologies can be biased or based on common sense. 

For example nationalism is the ideology that a country should remain to its culture and ways that differentiate it from other countries. Represented by its people, food, culture, life customs and language which makes the country united. 

Ideologies rise and change over time due to the perceptions of the world evolving and information that comes from across the world. The mindset that we have is the most common ideology we program ourselves to in life. The expectations, goals, and opportunities that we look to achieve are what shapes our way of viewing the world based on how we should work and succeed. This is the type of ideology that affects our way of living. It can be good or bad if we ever decide to change our ideas and ways. 

2. The difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics is the role and necessity that the US Government should play in the country. Conservative are considered as right wing and liberals as left wing. Conservatives believe that the government poses a great threat to individual liberty. The government should be limited by the involvement that states and localities hold in power. For conservatives, the free market is the economic force that provides the benefit to most people, but in reality it’s not always the case. The military budget should be kept high for the nation’s sake. The idea of lower spending will result in lower taxes. Life should be reflected by traditional religious and patriotic values. 

Liberals believe in the great role the government can bring to life in the US. Such as giving out handouts in welfare programs. As well as in the economic sector by regulations and high taxes on the elite. Equality is the main cause that the government should be involved in. Meanwhile liberty is the main cause that the government should not be involved in as much. An example is liberals demanding financial aid as welfare aid, meanwhile conservatives think that people should be responsible and strong to depend on themselves without the help of the government. 

3. I understand althusser’s definition of ideology as a way of conditioning the mind. Both as an imaginary state of being conditioned by societal expectations. And operating based on what happens in the real world. You have the free will to follow along or not. This is the way of people going on what is needed to live whether it be unconsciously or consciously as it is in demand to be part of society. People must be checked upon as there is a role for everybody to play in to keep society how it seems fit. For example, going to school 5 times a week for 8 hours is the ideal schedule to learn the basic subjects. This model promotes organization and productivity in a timely manner.

Valerija Butakova – Ideology in U.S. Politics

  1. Ideology can be seen as a fundamental set of values shared by individuals in a society, that is shaped by their very integration into that society. An ideology continues to exist as long as it’s being continuously reinforced through cultural norms and collective belief systems. In other words, we are a product of our own environment. Where we come from, who raised us, and what we were taught are all the cornerstones of the people we are today. For example, if an individual was raised by conservative parents, it is likely many of that individual’s core beliefs fall under conservative values. It is also possible the individual grows apart from that ideology as they become older and have their own unique life experiences. 
  2.   Political ideology is the set of beliefs individuals in a society hold about the best way to organize and govern that society. American politics fall under a bipartisanship, the Democratic party representing liberal ideologies, and the Republican party representing conservative ideologies. Liberals typically believe that the government plays an important role in society. They favor business regulations, higher taxes, cut military funds, and most importantly equality. Liberals would fall on the left-center of the political spectrum, as they advocate progressive ideas, but in reality they focus more on reform rather than systemic change. Conservatives on the other hand, believe a large government poses a threat to one’s liberty. They tend to favor the “free market”, lower taxes, military funding, less business regulations, and traditional (Catholic) values. The dividing line amongst these ideologies seems to be the scale of government involvement and socio-cultural issues. For example, conservatives may be supportive of cutting government funded support for low-income citizens if it means less taxes to pay. Liberals are more likely to be fine paying higher taxes, if it means more economic equity across the country. Interestingly enough, there are low-income conservatives that support tax cuts even if they might lose access to federal assistance, because they believe it will benefit them in the long run. 
  3.   Althusser defines ideology as beliefs that are reinforced in society by repressive and ideological apparatuses, masked by the illusions of choice and distractions to maintain social order. He believes that society is the way it is to keep the public docile, making more cogs in the capitalist machine. We are left with two real choices: to submit to these enforced behaviors, or reject it and get prosecuted and ostracized. For example, schools are not just for academic subjects, they are also molding students into becoming functioning members of society. Meaning they are taught to obey authority, complete their tasks timely, and to never rebel because if they do there are repercussions. Althusser says that these are the perfect conditions for a student to be able to grow up and conform to a capitalist society’s standards. 

Leasly Mejia- DB3.1 Ideology.

1. Keeping in mind the material covered in this lesson, describe how you understand ideology.

*Ideology is a person’s perception of society, politics, and the economy. In my opinion it is shaped by the values and beliefs this set of belief shapes their attitudes actions and general viewpoint on a variety of topics 

 Liberals, for example, might be in favor of progressive taxation and Universal Health Care because they may think that these measures are essential to achieving equality. Conservatives on the other hand place a higher value on individual accountability, economic freedom and limited government.

Ideology is more than just a set of political beliefs; it influences how individuals perceive the world when opposing ideologists conflict over what is best for society, it can also cause division even though it can assist individuals in coming up with solutions to societal issues.

2. How do you understand the difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics? What seem to be the big differences, the dividing line? 

*In American politics the main areas of disagreement between conservatives and Liberals are over individual freedom and government involvement. Conservatives believe that the economy should be driven by the free market and support limited government economic freedom and individual responsibility. On the other hand, Liberals place a high value on social justice and equality and they support government action to solve social problems and offer equal opportunities, such as through universal healthcare and education initiatives. For example liberals argued that Universal Health Care is a fundamental right that promotes equality and fairness while conservatives opposed it because they see it as a step toward excessive government control to sum up it up shortly, Liberals emphasize social equality while conservatives emphasize Freedom as an individual 

3.How do you understand Althusser’s definition of ideology? 

*According to Althusser, ideology is a set of ideas that, frequently without the individual’s knowledge, influence how they perceive their place in society. It is supported by organizations such as the media, politics and schools that “call” people into particular roles, giving them the belief that they are acting freely when in fact they are following. For example, students learn to obey those in charge and rules in school, accepting these behaviors as usual. These structures are used by ideology to uphold their status of things which frequently keeps people from questioning the system.

Sharif Rashed – 3.1 What is Ideology

Ideology, in my own words, is how people think and what they consider to be valuable. And further, how these thoughts and values are in direct correlation with their political affiliations and societal beliefs.

An example of ideology is one’s stance on abortion. Some believe women should have a choice to abort a baby, while others are against abortion no matter the circumstances. The different positions on abortion lend to religious debates, discussions of opposing social views, arguments of economic impacts. The individual’s core ideological beliefs determine which side of this topic they stand.

Ideology is greatly influenced by your upbringing and environment, whether it be family or social groups. Parents or guardians may have the most influence on a child’s ideology. A child who is born into a home of gang members may very likely grow up as gang member. As a baby that child grows up wearing the colors affiliated with that gang. The child grows up attending gang functions. That gang is socially acceptable to that child.

A community may have an ideology that helps shape the belief system of that entire neighborhood. There are neighborhoods called Planned Unit Developments (PUDS). These are homes that have a board and a system of rules: the grass may need to remain cut, the trash is placed in specific locations, noise levels are governed, etc . . . Anyone who obeys these rules may be deemed an outcast. The community values these regulations.

Conservatives would like the government to be less involved, unless it is to benefit their business. They oppose many economic benefits for the disadvantaged. Conservatives support strong military and police presence. And they promote their religious beliefs. Liberals, on the contrary, believe that government involvement and regulation benefit the country. They are supportive of economic benefits for those in need. The Liberals would rather cut funds for defense and the military and direct those funds to more socially impactful efforts. The Liberals oppose laws based on religious beliefs but believe that individuals should be allowed to make their own choices. Gender has been a dividing topic for years now. Many conservatives are supporting Trump with the stance that there are only two genders: male and female. Many liberals are supportive of people having the freedom to identify with a gender that differs from the sexual organ they were born with.

Althusser’s definition of ideology is that societies belief system and behaviors are formed using some type of apparatus. He presents the idea of repressive ideology which controls society through fear using police courts and prison. And repressive apparatuses are only need when the state apparatuses fail. State apparatuses include schools, politics, and mass media. He argued that schools are a state apparatus used to train children for a capitalist society. For example, the students are told when to arrive and when to leave; the same behavior they will utilize when employed as an adult. The students are told to speak when spoken to or called on; the same behavior displayed on many jobs where the employee submits to the authority of the employer.