- My understanding of ideology can be interpreted as a personal belief system, a principle that one embraces wholeheartedly. It involves having a strict moral code and knowing what you believe to be the right course of action. For example, one might believe in living the traditional All-American life, though such a scenario exists only in an ideal world. When it comes to American politics, abortion is the number one topic of discussion. Conservatives tend to oppose abortion, while Liberals, tend to be opposite because of the belief of helping those in need. (Note: The thoughts were shaped before watching the video.)
I realized that ideology functions as a system that keeps people in check, essentially ensuring that the lower-class citizens stay in line or confront the fear of consequences aka Policing. This ideology has been ingrained in all of us from a young age. We are taught in schools to behave to authority, to believe that we have choices in our everyday lives, all the way to the end of our existence. What once existed as a feudal structure with “lords and kings” has just transformed into a system dominated by figures in suits, big corporations, and politicians, now the phrase “the rich keep getting richer”.
- I understood the difference between being a Liberal and being a Conservative as follows: Democrats and Liberals tend to support public welfare and advocate for providing aid and assistance to people both in the United States and abroad. In contrast, Republicans and Conservatives often emphasize a strong faith in Jesus, oppose universal healthcare, and are generally against abortion.
In school, we were taught that the United States was once a superpower since World War II, which instilled a belief that our country should help smaller nations in need. My first real awakening to the political landscape occurred in 2009 with the slogan “VOTE FOR CHANGE.” I vividly remember where I was on 9/11, as well as the discussions about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the ongoing battles in Afghanistan that were pursued under President George W. Bush (Republican) largely for economic interests in oil. In 2006, Vice President Al Gore (Democrat) raised awareness about environmental issues and global warming in the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” Under President Obama (Democrat), a healthcare system was established to support middle and lower-class citizens. President Biden (Democrat) has focused on immigrants entering the country and the aid of other countries like Ukraine, while President Trump (Republican) emphasized an “America First” policy, ensuring the belief of returning the power to the United States once had. The dividing line among these leaders is evident in the topics they discussed, as well as their policies and concerns. Democrats tend to prioritize people and the environment, while Republicans focus more on the economy. In summary, as noted by Parenti in “Democracy for the few.”
- The way I understand Althusser’s definition of ideology is that it isn’t just a belief but a system to shape people through an “imaginary relationship” (talk about boundaries), Historically the ideology was imposed on people through lords and kings through force and fear. So, to prevent “rebel scum” from happening ideology went through the education system, religion, media, and even family.
My responses to the previous questions relate to Althusser’s definition of ideology. I believe that my education and my upbringing—especially the narratives I heard about the traditional American lifestyle and the ideals of a prosperous America—shaped my understanding in a way that felt like an ideology being imposed on me. I often reflect on the idea that “we are all born Democrats, and as we grow up, we become Republicans.”