- What concept that we have already discussed does “faction” remind you of?
Faction reminds of political ideology which is where people share common beliefs, ideas and interest which according to J. Madison arose from unequal distribution of property or wealth.
- According to Federalist #10 (written by James Madison), what is the source of wealth (private property)? What factor explains why some people get to possess wealth by owning private property, and others don’t (thus remaining poor)? This is a key question, because it shows how the authors of the Constitution thought about the difference between different classes of Americans! HINT: focus on the passage that begins: “The diversity in the faculties (WHAT DOES FACULTIES mean or refer to?) of men, from which the rights of property originate, is not les….”
According to Federalist #10 by James Madison, the source of wealth that is private property was discussed as the diversity in the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate. However, for the upper classes they had the opportunity of owning properties and factories. The upper class have advantages of private hospitals, better education systems (private schools) and resources. Therefore, it was the unequal distribution of facilities. Overall, faculties referred to natural skills and talents which led for the upper class to be successful.
- Do you agree with this explanation of wealth and poverty?
I do agree with this explanation of wealth and poverty because the upper class have talents, skills and the resources while others may struggle to meet that level because of lack of resources, talent, skill and struggle to meet their economic needs.
- What is the core mission (“first object”) of the US government? Does this surprise you, does it sound different from what our society today seems to suggest the core mission of the government is? Explain.
According to Federalist #10, the core mission “first object” of the US government is to protect and secure the rights of its citizens and also property, “From the protection of different and unequal faculties of acquiring property, the possession of different degrees and kinds of property immediately result.
- Given the discussion in questions 1-4, are you surprised that Federalist #10 is not in favor of democracy, and supports a Republican (representative) form of government? Why would the author dislike a (pure) democratic form of government? Hint: think about how this question connects with the social classes…
No, I’m not surprised that Federalist #10 leans more towards or in favor and support of the Republican representative form of government because it’s controlling the effects of faction and fulfilling promises to the American people. The purpose is to maintain the economic system and social class. The author dislikes a pure democratic form of government because “pure democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction . .”