1. Two key concepts in this video are the means of production and labor. In your comment, explain how you understand the means of production and labor. Give an example of each.
  2. Another important concept in understanding social class is value. Based on the ideas presented in Video 5.1, what is value?  What give “value” to value, what makes something valuable? 
  3. How are labor and value related? What’s the relationship/connection between the two?
  4. How do you understand the difference between labor and labor power? Hint: this is a key difference, give it your best shot based on what the video says about it, and your own ideas. We’ll clarify and develop it in our discussions, and in my video comments.
  5. Surplus Value: what is it? Why is it important to know about, in our study of social classes? Think about an example of surplus value?

2 thoughts on “Discussion Board 5.1

  1. My understanding of means of production is having the materials to build an e-commerce business selling swimsuits. Having a sewing machine, fabric, needle and thread in order to produce bikinis that you’ve designed. Labor is a barista leaving their home for the opening shift at Starbucks. Grinding the coffee beans, operating the POS, cleaning the lobby and greeting customers. According to the ideas presented in video 5.1, value is the putting something you already have to use. If you buy cake mix and you don’t use it the value stays the same. If you put the cake mix to use and sell it for profit the value of the cake mix increases. Labor and value are related in a sense that it takes labor to make something valuable. Labor and labor power differ since labor is used to increase value in something while labor power can only be found in people. Labor can be machinery used to mass-produce clothing such as fast fashion to sell at a cheaper price. Surplus value is commodity minus capital. Kind of stuck finding an example right now.

  2. 1. To my understanding, the means of production are tools that are used to create items or services. If I were to want to sell photographs, the means of production would include a camera, lenses, lighting equipment, editing software, computers and any equipment depending on whether I am indoors or outdoors. Labor is both physical and mental effort that is being used to the producing of goods and services. With the example I’ve given of doing photography, the labor that goes into it would come from me. My skills as a photographer, any model I need for the end product and studio assistants as needed are part of the labor that goes into this production.

    2. According to the video, value is represented by the time and labor spent creating a product. The amount of necessary time to produce an item is what gives it its value.

    3. Labor is what creates value. According to the video, “A product’s value is measured by how much labor it takes to produce under normal circumstances.”

    4. To my understanding, labor power is the capacity of time and labor a worker is able to do in exchange for pay, while labor is the actual work that is performed.

    5. Surplus value is the extra labor that goes into a job that is not paid for. According to the video, if one’s labor of power is about four hours but the company they work for makes them leave at a later hour, those extra hours that are being “unpaid” are surplus value for the company. For example: If I am hired at $10 an hour for two hours but my pictures are being sold for $100, the surplus value for my pictures for the person who hired me is $80. I am producing more value than being paid for.

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