1. A Repressive State Apparatus is a concept developed by Louis Althusser. The ruling class creates and maintains order by creating fear through institutions such as jail/prison, court, police, and the military. It creates the fear of punishment. For example, during the 1960’s the Commissioner of Public Safety in Birmingham, Alabama named Bull Conner sent the Birmingham Fire Department to stop a civil rights protest. He ordered them to use dogs and fire hoses to get the protesters out of the street simply because he didn’t agree with the fight to end segregation. He abused his power and used state power to maintain the status-quo.
  2. An Ideological State Apparatus is also a concept developed by Louis Althusser. These are the institutions within society that mold the public’s beliefs, views, and values. This is done through schools, churches, and media. For example, after 9/11 there was a new influx of fear and prejudices against Muslims in America. This lead to Muslims being portrayed as violent terrorists in media and politicians calling for a “muslim ban” which would prohibit Muslims from both entering and living in America. These ideologies were spread through Ideological State Apparatuses which influenced how Americans viewed Muslims and produced ignorant stereotypes.
  3. The Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses are different from each other because of their approach. The Repressive State Apparatus uses fear and maintains order through physical force. The Ideological State Apparatus persuades the public and influences the public’s values and opinion.

This is an example of an Ideological State Apparatus. The entire slogan “Make America Great Again” promotes nationalism and embodies patriotism. This influences people to support the movement because when you become a supporter, you are actively making America “great”.

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