1. Repressive State Apparatus is the judicial system of police, prisons, and even the army . Althusser calls it repressive as it enforces rules and standards that maintains order by force. Althusser says it in this way to assert the forces and correlation that put fear into society through sanctions and violence when people don’t understand by words. An example is a protest march in the streets, where authorities show up and tell people to back up and leave. This force of authority is meant to maintain law and order in case things escalate. 

2. Ideological State Apparatus is the programming state of mind that maintains their obedience in society without force. They are the institutions and programs that portray expectations and rules such as schools, family and the media. People follow easily as they see this as normal and right to go by what they see as influential.  

3. Repressive state apparatus uses violence or the threat of violence to maintain control by force one way or another. People will feel expected to obey and comply. Ideological state apparatus maintains force by influential ideology. Such as the teachings of religion, education and ideas that influence the mind to operate based on what is seen as appropriate without having to be under pressure to follow.    

4.    Below is an example of Repressive state apparatus since law enforcement is being used to assert control of any escalation in the form of riots. And to shut down any further advance of the cause that people are protesting about.

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