Tristan Flinn 5.2

  1. You have an amount of money you started with, that M comes first, then you have C, commodity, which is used in production. M again comes at the end and basically signifies that while you are making things, you attempt to keep the same level of money. Basically, they start with a certain amount, they then produce products, or invest in something and then get that money back, basically profit so much from it that it doesn’t take away from what you started at.

Tristan Flinn 5.1

  1. Means of production in my understanding is having to do with the facilities you have access to, and anything in general that is used to produce said product. Labor is any type of work you do for money under a job classified and labeled as a job. 
  2. Value in short, summed up is the cost of something, how much it takes to produce such object and how many people buy it, the level it is consumed at. That gives something its value. 
  3. Labor and value are related because labor is usually done by humans, even given how far technology has come. Thats where value comes in, how hard does such person work, how many people does it take to produce such item, the value of things being made decides the labor that goes into it. 
  4. Labor is something humans have always done to produce crops, earn money, while labor power is the conditions and things you would have access to in exchange for your hours of labor, x amount of hours to eat x amount of hours. The amount of work you put in is what you get paid for the day, laboring for a job needs balance. 
  5. Profit, the profit it took to get you there and the profit you or your job earned from it. But only goes to your job, you get paid hourly, and most likely minimum wage regardless. Basically whatever you do even if your happy with what you earn weekly/daily, you should be earning more. Its important to know so that you know that you only get paid so much, even for all that extra work. Lets say you work over time to help out a customer and you dedicate your afternoon to helping her, and she buys 3 devices, you still only earn what you would earn hourly for that day.

Tristan Flinn 4.2

1.Owners live off of investments and bonds and things like that, while employers live off their wage, basic salary, and fees. Sometimes even tips if you’re in restaurant work if that’s your job.

2.I think it is saying not all labor is the same, and sometimes you can be getting paid really low for all the labor you do. Some labor is inhumane compared to certain other things we get paid for. 

3.I agree with this argument, you should not make your class your identity, rich or poor, it should not define who you are as a person. You shouldn’t make your identity your money, whether you’ve always had money or you haven’t. You can rise up and be a decent person regardless your “Labeled” class…

4.Class structures are sort of built along dependency, basically saying that higher ups depend on the lower, and we do the same. For example the government will do an expensive thing and we will see that in a tax raise. Or we will see it somewhere in the citizens having to pay for it. 

Tristan Flinn 4.1

In the first reading 4.1 which has far more to say about actual social class and the roots and causes of it. Heritage, life style, living situation, attitude in life and toward your figure, who people see you as. While the other one if I am correct and clicked on the right link, brings us to a place where we can access income in subway neighborhoods, and basically it said if you’re from Manhattan you are well off and if you are from any other burrough you are poor and your income is not as high, so a somewhat simplified version. Lots of households do not make over 50 K a year, which is not even that much for yourself, yet alone if you have a family. 4.1 does dive deeper into how many people make a certain amount of money and how many people have billions of dollars

2.With the closet stop being 110th on the c train for me the average making is 57 thousand per year. I am surprised and sort of not surprised by this, my area is a mix of all the neighborhoods, and its a nice area at times. It has become a little more expensive because of some of these super fancy buildings that have been put in since my family moved in during 2002. I feel it is an accurate representation because The area is not super rich and high class but does have some nice beautiful things about it. 

3. I’ve noticed that everyone who doesn’t live directly in Manhattan has less income yearly. And it is probably because Manhattan is overpriced when it comes to everything. The graph also almost perfectly levels up as you get closer to Chambers street.

Tristan Flinn 3.2

  1. A Repressive State Apparatus is a social function, dedicated to a power dynamic, “Which one is the “Correct” Social function” one where you will be praised and one where you won’t be. Repressive would be correct, because one eventually dominates the other and then you belittle and slam down others that don’t think the same as you or act the same way. 


Althusser seems to think Ideological state apparatuses works the opposite as Repressive, it is less “violent” and more of a political debate/ belief then kind of shoving someone to act a certain way. Or shaming them for not acting the same way you do, sometimes even physically forcing them to.


The Two are different because one is very socially toxic, not solely based just on political agenda, based on how someone acts in socials. While the other one has to do with the idea of people having different ideologies on governments and the way the world should be. 


This is an example of an Ideological apparatus, I chose a art piece to represent it… It shows different examples of certain ideologies throughout history. Some clearly being worse then other ideologies.

Tristan Flinn: 3.1

  1. An Ideology to me, Tristan Flinn, is your beliefs in how you think society would work best, not always political, Sometimes it is just about how you think things would benefit more from.  For example an idea of an ideology in someone’s personal life could be like when Uncle Ben tells Peter, “With Great power, comes great responsibility” , This is an idea peter dedicates his life to as spiderman, he always puts the safety of others before his own, even if it means his own happiness. An Ideology is something you believe in, something you base your life and understanding of things around. It is how you learn to understand the universe, Government, issues within your own life. An Ideology that builds who you are is how we are all so unique and the same at the same time.
  1. Conservatives and Liberals are relatively different in terms of beliefs. For example the main argument/difference in beliefs between the two have to deal with the Government. Liberals want a more involved Government cause they think inclusion with the people will help everyone from not having mistrust in the government. While Conservatives want a less involved government because that would mean less money being used to improve a lot of things, which also means less money on taxes. I would say that’s the biggest difference. So I would say your belief in how you want the government to interact with the public is a main tie breaker in deciding what your ideology title is. 
  1. This video described ideology very differently, in a very dark way, but also pretty realistic. Not too much comedy added to it. Athusser touches on the idea of ideology at a way deeper sense then the video before hand ( no offense to makers). The idea that our lives are shaped by ideologies made by people and passed on, the idea of being judged in a society if you disagree is very important. You can trace back ideologies to a lot of bad moments in time, like fascists.

Tristan Flinn: Discussion 2.2

  1. Why do think Southern racist politicians chose to frame their defense of racial segregation through the language of “law and order”? What special advantages was this choice of words going to give them?

When the Southern racist politicians chose to frame a racial segregation through the idea of “Law and Order” I believe they thought that they could argue that this idea is not racist because it goes for everyone. When really they would only target minorities

2.Do you think the Southern Strategy is still influencing American politics? Give an example supporting your answer.

I would say the southern strategy is still influencing some part of politics in general. We say as America we are working hard to fix certain things within our society, like fix racism and be more inclusive with everyone, but yet throughout America there are still horrible things that happen everyday for example with law enforcement.

Tristan Flinn: Discussions response

1. M. Alexander claims that the main explanation of why so many people are sent to jail in the U.S. today is deeply wrong. Explain her argument by referring to the various examples she mentions to backup her point. (see p. 1-2)

M.Alexanders claim was that a majority of poor people as well as minorities go to jail for small offenses, especially during times where the races were separated. But even still going on now. For example, she talks about how during the civil rights campaign in the 60’s a lot of people went to jail for crimes that if committed by someone of a different complexion, wouldn’t be considered a crime, or would not be a long sentence. For example, Martin Luther King is mentioned specifically because of his fight and leadership in the civil rights movement.

2. Why is it that racial disparities in the rates of incarceration “cannot be explained by rates of drug crimes”?

M.Alexanders argues that racism is evident in these incarcerations because everyone of all colors sells and uses illegal drugs, so it isn’t fair to just target minorities and not everyone.

3. How do you understand the phrase: “the American penal system has emerged as a system of social control unparalleled in world history.”?

I understand this quote as telling me that the american penal system is ruled by people even bigger than just the judge, that there is a larger power out there. Some people can do illegal things(especially people in power) and get away with it and some cant, just because it is rigged from the beginning…