Angella Nsemi Discussion 14.1

  1. The connection between “whiteness” and racism is that people thought being white was superior to being black and being black was looked upon as an object instead of a person and totally unequal so without the white race, there would be no racism.
  2. The prison system makes new criminals through mass incarceration. Mass imprisonment is a system of police, legal action, detention, debt collection, and social control that has its origins in feeding off of and perpetuating racial and economic injustice. This network is sometimes referred to as the criminal justice system, the penal state, or the carceral state. Many people are being put into jail and their records show that they are criminals. 
  3. Liberation struggle is often pursuing independence based on a nationalist identity and an anti-imperialist viewpoint, a liberation movement is an organization or political movement that leads a revolt, or a non-violent social movement, against a colonial power or a national government.

Angella Nsemi Discussion Board 13.1

  1. A man-made rule that complies with the moral law or the law of God is called a just law. Legislation that conflicts with morality is said to be unfair. St. Thomas Aquinas defined an unjust law as a human law that is not based on natural law or eternal law. A fair law is one that enhances human personality. It is unfair for a law to diminish human personality. Because segregation harms the soul and the personality, all segregation laws are unfair.
  2. I do think it makes a difference in how someone lives their life because everyone is always being looked at whether we like it or not and if you were to conduct yourself in a manner that is unpleasant and a person with an important platform finds out everyone can see it. This can affect politics because we see all the time “black on black” crimes and they are out here killing each other but saying black lives matter and there should be a change. How can politicians and other people listen to our concerns when we don’t even follow the things we say? 
  3. One example of a just law is Thou shalt not kill. Another example of an unjust law is money bail releasing fugitives before a hearing. The unjust law is unfair and the just law is moral. They are complying to the law.

Discussion 11.1

  1. The court system is better suited to protect the individual, than are the elected branches of government (such as Congress and the President; or the Mayor of NYC and the NYC City Assembly) because we have rights that protect citizens from the government. Our first amendment right is the freedom to speech, press and religion that protects us as citizens because we have the right to say what we want without any consequence except for slander and libel. 
  2. Yes, I believe that the supreme court is the anti democratic part of the government because they don’t agree with democratic decision-making, freedom of expression, equality before the law, social justice, equality, and social justice are some of the principles or ideals that define a fair society. I think that they stay this way because they want to keep the government the same way, they don’t want things to change only to benefit them.

Angella Nsemi Discussion Board 9.1

  1. No. The government cannot force one specific religion onto the country.  The lemon head test is when the government does not fund or give to the churches because by doing this the government agrees with this particular religion. Also, that is why the cost of religious school is so high.
  2. Regarding the court case of burning the flag, Mr. Gregory was charged and convicted, however in 1989 it was overturned because the court realized it was Mr. Gregory’s first amendment freedom of speech, and until now each time they want to pass the law the judge throws it out.
  3. Whenever someone says they are taking the fifth whatever they say something it will use against them in court as a piece of evidence.

Angella Nsemi Discussion Board 9.2

  1. Ms. P. Williams refers to a new type of war as people coming from their countries and bombing American citizens, highjack planes, and sending these powder envelopes to government buildings. These are the new war the government is facing. The traditional war used to be the soldiers staying at one location and fighting with each other with guns and grenades. 
  2. The “Roving Wiretaps” violate in so many ways if the government believes you are a spy they can wiretap the individual without their knowledge and also they will break the Third Amendment law by going into a person’s house without permission and collecting what they need and they do not get in trouble.
  3. The “Sneek and Peek” Warrants I understand that they will go to court and get a warrant without the person being present in their home, they will search and the individual cannot take them to court for violation of their privacy.


  1. The federal government can only hear cases authorized by the United States.
  2. Division of Power is a check and balance to exercising the core function of another.
  3. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the New York State and local governments provided money for different businesses that lost so much money during the pandemic. The federal government provides free testing to everyone as well as paid sick leave for whoever was sick with the virus. They also set up contact and tracking to whoever you came in contact with when you have covid. They were much more the federal and the local do during the time of the pandemic.

Disscusion 6.1

  1. The vote in the early American vote a certain amount of income non-minority had to earn.
  2. Only nonminatories could vote.
  3. According to madison to secure the public good and private rights against the danger of such a fraction. Because of this the people who are talented to become rich will not make the poor become poorer.
  4. Why they were afraid because it will be nonminority only but it will be minority as well.
  5. Slavery was considered form of property.

Discussion 6.2


  1. The two classes were rich and poor. Because in one of the readings you have to make a certain amount of money to vote the only person who was allowed to vote was nonminority and the poor were not allowed to vote.
  2. I would say it is different because African Americans and every other race can go out and vote in the United States.
  3. The reason why they were afraid was that they realize that the house of Representatives revise some of the laws and whoever was not allowed to vote they have the opportunity to vote.

Discussion Board 5.1

  1. I understand the production is someone who owns the production I do not own it but I use it, for example in the video google we do not own it, but we use it. I understand labor we measure time and minutes for exmple in the video someone was wearing a cap and a gown. I realize you have to work hard and a lot of time consuming.
  2. Valve is the importance of worth or the usefulness of something. What gives value is labor the more you produce your time.
  3. Labor is when you measure your time and minutes and the value is the importance of worth.
  4. I understand that labor power is that when you are working for a company you are getting pay for it on the other hand you are measuring your time and minutes into that job.
  5. Surplus Value is when you can sell so many stuff on your job for the company, but you will not get the commission that you earned, on the other hand the company will benefits from that profit and they will not loose any money.