1. I believe that the connection between “whiteness” and racism is that without both of these going hand in hand with one another then there will be no capitalism. It started racial without people realizing that the idea of race meant that black people and that it will continue to stay this way. As long as the people that imagined what they are not raised to be which is white people. But in reality this will never happen since white people will always be at the top of the racial capitalism. 
  2. Gilmore states that the way that this first started was due to surplus labor. California in the early 1980’s is that they being to build prison after prison after prison. They could’ve built a university, factors, the list is long. Prison help to push surplus to be able to gain what they want. They need to have a steady stream of criminals to keep coming. In order to do this the sentences need to be longer, the type of crimes that they commit needs to be hasher. It even comes down to the people that find themselves being caught up in the system and try to get out. They find themselves going back home and reenter society, to find themselves back in the same things that got them caught up. I agree with her views on this because prison systems are meant to keep those that have been in the system time in time again to repeat the cycle over and over again, Most career criminals never tend to have a chance to fix and change their ways due to their “re entry” back into society. Something that does not help them if they’re being placed back into the same community and around the same people that has cause them to “relapsed” 
  3.  Professor Gilmore describes “liberation struggle” is placed- based deliberation struggle the scale might differ widely and the size might differ widely but it is all placed based. It is specific to the needs and the struggles of people where they’re and that where it has many dimensions. What she means by this is that this scale is being placed and these “prisons” are being placed in places that often show where there is a struggle within the community. So in California this is the cause of why they have continued to build so many prisons year after year for the past 23 years. 

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