1. What was new with terrorism as an idea of war is how angry it made everyone. Members of our society so angry we threw away some of the countries beliefs. I think it was way different from traditional wars because the wars we usually had were on a battle field, this one was on people just going to work doing their usual daily thing. 9/11 caused a whole new type of paranoia. 
  2. It sort of violates the 4th amendment which mentions unreasonable searches and seizures, which would apply to a wire tap. Although if the government need to wire tap you, you must be doing something wrong…(jokes). And It would violate it because theyre listening and “spying” on you without consent. Although once again you must of done something for them to want to bug you.
  3. Sneak and peek warrants would also violate amendment 4 breaking into your house without your knowledge. Failure to give notice is a violation and most government agencies do not ask because they think they have that sort of power but are also breaking some sort of law to catch someone doing something they aren’t supposed to be doing. 

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