1. P. Williams writes in her essay, that the war on terror is a new type of a war. What’s new about it, how is it different from traditional wars?
    1. The war on terror is a new type of war because it changes the way the government views and acts on human rights, the constitution of citizens, how authorities approach crimes, how authorities investigate crimes. The war on terror is a new type of war because it is never ending and violates human rights and encourages the violation of laws that were put in placed to protect basic civil rights. This is different from traditional wars because the civilian population is also targeted and there is a use of different tactics in order to receive information even it it compromises the US Constitution.
  2. In what ways does the “Roving Wiretaps” of the Patriot Act seem to violate the Bill of Rights? Which amendment(s) does it seem to violate and why?
    1. The “Rovering Wiretaps” of the Patriot Act violates the Fourth Amendment which states the government can not conduct a search without a warrant or probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. It violates individuals rights to privacy
  3. What about “Sneek and Peek” Warrants?
    1. The “Sneek and Peek” warrants gives authorities the right to search homes and observe individuals with a warrant without notifying the target of the search. This also violates the Fourth Amendment because its gives authorities the right to search for even low level crimes that have nothing to do with terrorism.

One thought on “Discussion 9.2

  1. Hi Nicole. I agree, the Sneak and Peak warrants grant too much power to the authorities. It uses preventing terrorism as an excuse to violate the 4th Amendment at a judges discretion, as you said even for low level crimes.

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