Money-Commodity-Money. This equation is a representational makeup of the capitalist system. As Marx says “Owning only money, this person must first acquire commodity–the weavers’ cloth for example–not for personal consumption but for resale.” that is how capitalists start. By using the money they own they are able to acquire workers to do the labor that would provide them with a finished product or creation they can repurpose for more money or surplus value. By investing their money into making a finished product rather than doing it themselves they save time on labor and products for the market. This allows them to grow their capital. By continuously hiring people to do the labor at an inexpensive amount they can market their products at a luxury level. An example would be the now overly famous clothing company, Shein. Their employees work up to twelve hours a day and receive less than a thousand dollars a month. Shein employs workers that produce over 35,000 items a day and has a daily update of “new arrivals” which consists of 6,000 new products. Their ability to abuse labor and neglect work laws has allowed them to become a billionaire company. In 2021 alone they received more downloads than amazon and are already in competition with brands such as Zara and H&M who have been around for years.