1. What does faction remind me of… I would say social classes, class hierarchy, and political groups. 
  2. Faculties are mental or physical abilites thatbelong to people, unique talents, this then is protected by the government. I think Madison is saying it depends on who you are and how you handle business with higher uppers that makes or breaks a successful wealth owner. 
  3. Ill be honest, James Madison has too many words on the page for me to fully understand what he is getting at, but it sounds very logical he basically is saying money comes from working, or from owning property but not everyone has the opportunity to benefit from owning property.  It also depends on what kind of property it is, how you got that property, and what you do with that property. 
  4. To divide its power so all is equal for its citizens. I believe we have forgotten what we were originally trying to make when we tried building this country the first time, now in democratic and republican parties there is corruption, there is also corruption in just about every area that has been given power. The Government does not truly care for us as it once did. We can see this in the poverty rate, how the police handle things, their handling of climate change, school shootings and how we handle them despite many signs their are some messed up children attending schools across america. Thats just off the top of my head.  
  5. I am only sort of surprised, Since weve been studying these documents for years ( you usually study them in highschool depending the class) I think because I am older I have more of an attention to detail. But being republican in this time wasn’t rare, its actually a very popular belief and it isn’t exactly like being a republican today. The author would dislike a democratic party because that would give the lower class a bigger power, in a democratic world you have the citizens make or be part of bigger situations, where as a republican does whats best for everyone. And at this time they would sport this more, wealth owners prefer it(Madison and all the founding fathers) as well as other important members of society at this time.

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