1.) The Constitution was believed to have been created in the year of 1787 with the intent of ensuring that it protected the country’s citizens and states. While it was believed that the opinion’s of all citizens was what aided in it’s creation, what became evident was that it did not truly include everyone. Reading 6.1 “A Constitution for the Few” by M. Parenti and reading 6.2 “Economic Interpretation of the U.S. Constitution” by Charles Beard, each created an argument regarding how one’s social class determined who was eligible to have a say in what the constitution should be. During this time, those with wealth or white men who owned property, created the constitution because they wanted a means of ensuring that their wealth continued to grow, be protected, and had minimal government interference. While they knew what they wanted, those who were classified as poor or the “working class” found themselves struggling to survive in a society that catered to people who were better off. This also meant that the two classes had different perspectives, what one wanted was not what the other saw as beneficial to them. For example, according to reading 6.1 “A Constitution for the Few,” paragraph 3 of page 5 states, “Major questions relating to the new government’s ability to protect the interests of property were agreed upon with surprisingly little debate. On these issues, there were no poor farmers, artisans, indentured servants, or slaves attending the convention to proffer an opposing viewpoint.” This quote from the text is a prime example of how the upper class sought to prioritize their needs first. Since this class composed of white men that owned valuable property, they wanted to ensure that the government’s power be used to protect their wealth. This obviously would not benefit the poor or working class because they do not own any property since they cannot afford it, making their needs a lot different from the upper class. Not to mention, despite the constitution being a means of including all citizens needs and rights, those of the working class such as farmers or slaves, could not attend the convention to protest because they cannot afford to take off from the jobs. On the other hand, there is reading 6.2 that focuses on the same stance of how a particular class dominates over the other one. Since the poor and working class consisted of people who are not as wealthy, this meant that basic rights were stripped from them. For example, according reading 6.2 “Economic Interpretation of the U.S. Constitution,” paragraph 2 of page 1 states, “In an examination of the structure of American society in 1787, we first encounter four groups whose economic status had a definite legal expression: the slaves, the indented servants, the mass of men who could not qualify for voting under the property tests imposed by the state constitutions and laws, and women, disenfranchised
and subjected to the discriminations of the common law.” This quote from the text focuses on individuals that make up the poor or working class category. These people were not able to vote, have a say when it comes to deciding who their future leaders will be. Not only is this injustice to them but also, falls back into the matter of how this class is not able to have a right; not in voting and not in the constitution’s creation.

2.) The social class structure of the United State’s in the earlier years comprised of the upper class or wealthy white men who owned valuable property. I believe that this class structure is what our society is like today because we can see quite a difference in how people are classified because of their amount of wealth. In our society today, we still have people of wealth-probably even more and they continue to grow and profit. Their businesses or corporations multiply, they seek to purchase products or create ones to be produced, and most of all, they have people who are in a lower class (such as working or middle) to work for them. Not only do they pay them much less than what their labor is worth but they are aware that they can get away with this because these individuals need their job in order to survive, a day without work can hinder their ability to afford various things they need. Many citizens across the country continue to believe that the wealthy gets wealthier and people who are not of that standard continue to suffer. Not to mention, considering the great rise in inflation, things that were a certain price have gone up substantially and the pay for many in other classes does not go up. Obtaining the American dream is in the hearts of many, the means of achieving it are quite far for them as well.

3.) The people who wrote the Constitution were so afraid of democracy because the people that compose the government are elected by the country’s citizens. The country is composed of people who are considered to be in different social classes; upper, middle, working, etc… These are all but a few names that classify various financial standings. Each one of these classes have people who want different things, someone who is of upper class standing would want the government to protect their property but someone in the working class would prefer financial help. Since everyone is obligated to vote on who they would elect as leaders, the country is composed mostly of people of lesser class and they would pick people that would think about their needs. Thus, the upper class would not have the government on their side and would not gain any benefits.

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