1. Based on the arguments presented in readings 6.1 and 6.2 it is clear that the Constitution was written by the wealthy class. The wealthy class being property owners. They can be broken into three classes, the small farmer, the manorial lords and the slave owners. The individuals left out of the Constitution creation where the working class or the “propertyless” as George Washington labeled them. This class consisted of freeholders, artisans, tenants, and indentured servants. Most of these individuals were heavily in debt. Debt and the need to not have to work directly for wealth is what mostly separated these two classes. As the article states ” Ordinary working people could not take off four months to go to Philadelphia and write a constitution. The debate between haves and have-nots never took place.”
  2. I would say the social class structure of todays society is different then the social class of early United States. I believe it is different mostly due to the creation of the Middle Class. Early America was mainly wealthy or not wealthy. In todays society many individuals can not be wealthy but still own land and live a very comfortable financially free life. In early America that was not as possible. By owning land you immediately became a man of importance. this still holds some truth in todays society but much more land is needed to be recognized as wealthy.
  3. The individuals who made the Constitution were so afraid of democracy because they did not want the lower classes to disrupt the wealthy class. George Washington himself said a constitution was badly needed “to contain the threat of the people rather than to embrace their participation and their competence,” lest “the anarchy of the propertyless would give way to despotism.” The founding Fathers were also afraid that the non land owning class would have different agendas then the land owning class. James Madison himself said “the most common and durable source of faction has been the various and unequal distribution of property [that is wealth]. Those who hold and those who are without property have ever formed distinct interests in society” and “the first object of government” is “the protection of different and unequal faculties of acquiring property.”

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