1. The one statistic that caught me off guard was that 90 percent of Americans have little to no assets. It just makes you realize how many people are in similar lifestyles, yet every one of those lives is also completely different…
  2. I see it every day, homeless people in the subway, homeless people on drugs, outside. Not everyone is to the point where they’re homeless but it really affects me when I do see a homeless person because i see them not getting the help they deserve. Some don’t have money to pay for the medicines they need, which would cause us to be scared because they act differently. Not only are there a lot of issues with homelessness but people with low money income live meal to meal check to check, it is scary. And then there are people like Elon musk and Jeff Bezos who have enough money to help everyone, and still make money, as we learned in today’s readings.

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