1. People who are writing books and wasting their precious time writing the books just so that they can earn money off their hard work. Book writers should be getting the amount of money they deserve and they should not be tricked by the system of the capitalists. Simply, capitalists are putting humans to work and then paying them low which is extremely unfair in my opinion because the book writers have sweated and worked their absolute best, they should be earning what they deserve. If I would write a book one day, I would not be able to believe that the capitalist is going to take half of my hard work which is again unfair. Page 29 states “ The real producers are those who apply their brawn, brains, and talents to the creation of goods and services.” This proves my point that people who produce the goods are using their brains, talents, and time just so that the capitalist can basically rip them off. 

2. Some of the suggestions for living in a society that has such huge inequalities is for one to educate themselves and know what is going around them outside in the real world. We will not be able to accomplish or change anything, but we can definitely fight for a better life. I certainly see this dynamic getting played out in everyday life in our society because we have people who have extremely different incomes, health care, gender inequality and etc. The income gap between the social classes is insane which demonstrates how I view wealth inequalities getting play in everyday life.

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