I’m originally from Recife, Brazil but I migrated to the US at 6 years old. I’m twenty years old and I’m not really a fan of the city life. I’m very excited to start this semester. I’m strictly doing online classes so I can work full time. I plan on getting really good grades so I can transfer to a four year, and do double major. I want to study Business and Writing. I would like to learn more about business and go back and give to the community I’m originally from. I want to continue pursuing my passion of writing political criticism and fiction stories. During the pandemic I started research work for my book on racism in America. I focused on the evolution of political ideologies and white supremacy. Wrote about three chapters until I became overwhelmed with everything I was reading on the subject. Speaking and learning about politics is one of my passions and I’m excited for what this class has instore for me.

6 thoughts on “Hi everyone, I’m Victoria :)

    1. thank you, love, I have to keep trying. It’s extremely difficult going through many readings of horrible things. I found Dylan Roof’s manifesto it hurt to read an individual’s thoughts on a society that I’m attempting to influence to change.

  1. Hi Victoria, would you ever wanna go back and continue writing your book? I was never the type to read books but now that’s kind of all I do whenever I’m free, if you ever plan on finishing your book I would love to read it.

    1. I think I had a certain headspace while writing it back then. Now I feel like it just absolutely disturbs my peace. I tried going back to it last year but I was reading very heavy literature that had to do with violence and hatred and evil… all in all, it made me disgusted with people and it astounded me how the writers were very genuine and comfortable with their beliefs. I don’t know if I’d be able to go back to it now. Writing fiction has been more fun.

  2. Hey Victoria! I totally understand everything you just wrote. I am also doing strictly online
    classes because I am also working full time doing two jobs and it could be very overwhelming to juggle everything at once. I love reading as well, at home I got my own library and I love to do researches on many different topics, so its refreshing to see someone into the same things.

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