Shanelle Disla 7.1

Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems.
Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power.
How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic

In a federal system, citizens can vote and actively participate in government affairs. In the confederation, citizens have more power, and in the unitary system, citizens don’t have a voice; power is focused on the central government.
I understand the system of division of power, which is a system where each division checks on the other. These systems work together and against each other to maintain balance in the government. The federal government shapes the action of state and local government because the local and state governments can only do what they are permitted. The state and local always get affected by the laws passed by the government because it is what is agreed by the three branches. The federal government influenced the action of state and local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic because when stimulus checks were sent out to citizens it came from the federal government. It was used to stimulate the economy.

Eramae Phillipps

1) To my understanding in a federal system, citizens engage directly with both national and state governments each with its own powers. This allows for broader participation and division of authority.

In a confederation, citizens mainly interact with regional governments. These governments have a lot of control, and they come together to make big decisions.

In a unitary system, subnational governments rely on the national government, which holds significant authority. It prioritizes centralized control and uniformity.

2) The division of power means spreading out control in the government so no one part has too much power. There are three main parts:

Executive Branch: They enforce the laws. This includes the president or prime minister and their team.

Legislative Branch: They make the laws. This is usually a group of elected people like a parliament or congress.

Judicial Branch: They interpret the laws and make sure they’re fair. This is the courts and judges.

Each part has its own job, like making, enforcing, or interpreting laws. They watch each other to keep things fair and balanced.

3) During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government significantly influenced the actions of state and local governments in New York. They provided funding and guidelines to New York schools to combat COVID-19 such as money for testing, and vaccines, and rules like mask-wearing. Additionally, through the CARES Act, the federal government allocated aid, including $100 billion for hospitals and healthcare providers. States including New York received funds from programs like the Coronavirus Relief Fund and the Education Stabilization Fund, with specific purposes outlined. Found these information through these two websites attached:

Biden’s Coronavirus Plan: More Vaccines and Testing, Funds for Schools (

Federal Funding Overview (

Kenneth Suen – D.B. 7.1

1. The role of citizens in any democracy is to vote. However, depending on the structure of the nation’s government, the impact of an individual’s vote may vary. In a federation, citizens elect representatives at the national and subnational levels. Generally, these two levels have different responsibilities due to the different functions that they serve. Reading 7.1 states that while the national government may be “responsible for handling matters that affect the country as a whole,” e.g., defense, national economy, state governments might be “responsible for matters that lie within their regions,” e.g., healthcare, public services. A citizen of a federation might vote for a municipal, state, and national leader, whose responsibilities are to interact with other levels of government to represent the interests of the citizens that voted for them — broadly speaking, because each level of government has different functions, they are all of equal importance. In contrast, a citizen of a confederation might not care who the elected national leader is. If subnational governments hold the majority of the authority and thus do not need to cooperate with the national government, citizens have less of an obligation to participate in elections above the subnational level. Finally, the reverse is true for a unitary system: if subnational governments have relatively little power in comparison to the national government, then a citizen’s vote for their subnational representative or leader may similarly have little to no impact.

2. There are three main ways that division of power occurs in democracies: unitary systems, federations, and confederations. Each system differs in where power is concentrated — it is either centralized (as in a unitary system), decentralized (confederation), or somewhere in between (federation).

3. A federal mandate has the potential to shape the actions of state and local governments. In the context of COVID-19, three main federal mandates were passed: Executive Order 14042 (federal government employees must be vaccinated), Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Rule (healthcare employees must be vaccinated if their facility accepts Medicare or Medicaid), and OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard on Vaccines and Testing (employees of business with 100 or more employees must be vaccinated). Apparently, the latter two mandates accounted for 100 million workers nationwide (, around 66% of all employed people in the United States in 2020-2021 (Total Employment : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( I could not find what the consequences of noncompliance were for these mandates, but it seems to me that given their scope, compliance was the most logical action for state and local governments to take. It is thus easy to understand the rationale behind NYC’s all-encompassing private sector workforce vaccination mandate, among others, as it would have removed any possibility of noncompliance.

David Salazar – Discussion Board 7.1

  1. In a federal system, citizens have a role in both national and state or provincial governments, enjoying a decentralized form of governance. A confederation grants more power to state or regional governments, with the central government having limited authority, typically in foreign affairs or defense, emphasizing local autonomy. A unitary system centralizes power in the national government, with local governments exercising only those powers granted by the central authority, reducing the direct influence of citizens at local levels.
  2. The system of division of power is a structure in governance where authority is distributed among different levels of government, including a central or national government and regional governments (such as states). This arrangement allows for a balance between centralized authority for broader, national concerns and decentralized power for local issues, aiming to prevent any single entity from gaining too much control. It supports both unity and diversity within a country by accommodating regional differences.
  3. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government’s actions, such as funding allocations and emergency declarations, influenced New York State and local governments by providing necessary resources and guidelines. However, challenges in coordination and the federal response’s speed were criticized, which showed the complexity of the U.S. federalist system where states have significant public health responsibilities. The situation revealed the need for stronger national leadership and better federal-state collaboration to address public health crises effectively.

Discussion 7

  1. Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems. 

While citizens in federal systems have more direct contact with both the national and regional governments, those in confederation systems generally deal with regional authorities, while citizens in unitary systems interface with the central government. 

  1. Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power. 

The division of power refers to who gets to make what decisions in the government. It focuses on the distribution of authority among different levels of government. Confederal systems allow states or regions to retain more power, whereas unitary systems concentrate power at the national level. 

  1. How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The federal government’s actions and policies during the COVID-19 epidemic had a major effect on the response efforts of NYC and local governments. The federal government affected the actions of New York’s state and local governments through money, rules, emergency declarations, and vaccine mandates.  

Discussion Board 7.1 Jasmina

  1. Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems.

The participation of citizens in the functioning of a government is widely recognized as very important factor for the success. Citizens play a very important role by exercising their right to vote for their candidates of choice, who then represent them in making decisions about the governance of the country. In a confederation, citizens enjoy a higher degree of power as the local government is relatively smaller and more accessible to them. This accessibility allows for a more direct approach to governance, with citizens being able to voice their opinions and concerns about policies that affect them. On the other hand, in a unitary system, the government assumes the responsibility of making decisions on behalf of the citizens. This responsibility may limit the active participation of citizens in governance, which could lead to a lack of representation of their interests. However, this system also allows for a more centralized approach to governance, which can be beneficial in some cases.

2. Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power.

The United States of America has a unique system of power division, which is composed of three separate branches: the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches. The Legislative branch is responsible for crafting and passing laws, while the Judicial branch interprets and enforces them. The Executive branch, headed by the President of the United States, is tasked with executing and implementing these laws. This system of checks and balances ensures that all branches of government work together to uphold the rule of law and provide fair and impartial governance for all citizens.

3. How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the country, prompting the federal government to take decisive action to assist the states. This assistance came in the form of comprehensive guidance and financial aid which was much needed. There were lunches for kids and families in need even when kids were not attending schools when zoom was only way we could get our kids to attend schools. Masks, hand sanitizers, covid tests were given on the streets of NYC, l still have box of these left. The guidance was provided to states with steps to navigate the complex challenges brought about by the pandemic. In addition, the financial aid was critical in supporting various programs and initiatives aimed at mitigating the economic impact of the pandemic. Overall, the federal government’s support was very important for all the states, enabling them to offer much-needed assistance to their residents during these challenging times. Federal Government has helped states by providing them with guidance and funds to help educate and financially citizens during COVID-19 pandemic. Support for states by the government has influenced so many other services that state could provide to the citizens.

Jada Tapia 7.1

1.) In a federal system, the role of citizens is important because they are given a natural right to be included in their government by being able to vote on rights and decisions. A confederal system gives the regional government a lot more power to make decisions for their people. A unitary system places heavy emphasis on their national government. Citizens do not have as much power as they rely on their local governments to cast decisions.
2.) The division of power in the United States is broken down amongst 3 branches: the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches. All three branches serve different functions. The Legislative branch consists of the members of congress and they create and pass laws. They can also declare war if needed. The Executive branch includes the president, vice president, along with their group of advisors. They enforce the laws of the country. They also meet with the leaders of other countries. The Judicial branch is responsible for punishing the ones who break the law. The supreme court is apart of this branch and they make sure to keep track of the laws and making sure that they’re constitutional.
3.) During COVID-19, the government made temporary changes to rules and regulations for the safety of its citizens. It buckled down on a lot stricter rules and even incorporated a lockdown. Vaccines became mandated, but they gave a lot of financial and emotional support to its citizens to cope with the pandemic.

Javon Mitchell DB 7.1

1/ Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems.

The differences in the role of citizens are, The federal system is in which citizens have a say and vote for representatives. The unitary system is the opposite and relies on the governments. Lastly the confederation system is based on locals.

2/ Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power.

I always use analogies but it’s basically understanding the separation of three parts that are equally powerful. Some to enforce, some to interpret, make laws and so on. The division is put in place so that no one can feel superior to the next but more so codependent. Branches help elevate the solutions without a competitive power trip opposed to it depending on who and what specifically.

3/ How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One example I could provide or that I remember was the back and forth between governor Cuomo and the federal government in regard to the crisis that is COVID-19. The much needed rapid responses weighed in the hands of the federal government when it came to the help of resources granted. Whilst a lot of the decisions were left in the hands of our governor those who are higher positions also have a say so in what‘s initiated from the government to the cdc. The urgent backup was needed. Although we eventually saw a rise in support opposed to chaos I remember the countless reports of things going wrong or lacking in support.


  1. Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems.

Federal : Mainly deals with issues at the national level. Such as diplomacy and national defense. Distribution of power between central government and local government. Citizens have the right to vote at different levels of government and the obligation to pay taxes to different levels of government. and comply with the requirements of laws at various levels of government.

Confederation: Limited central authority, power is concentrated in regional and state governments, so there is not much citizen participation at the national level. Instead, there has been more involvement in local and state governments.

Unitary systems:Powers are mainly concentrated in the central government, with limited local government rights. Citizens are also primarily tied directly to the central government.

  1. Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power.

My understanding of the system of division of power is to reasonably distribute power, ensure that each government or agency has partial rights rather than absolute rights, prevent any one department from having unchecked power, and maintain checks and balances. The best example is that the president leads the government with executive power, the National Assembly has legislative power, and the court judges have judicial power to rule. Each part has power against the other two parts.

Disadvantage: At the same time, the class knowledge learned from previous modules is quoted. When all governments or institutions only have partial rights, and when the implementation or withdrawal of a policy requires the consent of the majority, the minority has the right to control the rights of the majority. For example, when a policy that only benefits the wealthy capitalist class is repealed, the rights of a few people can prevent the repeal of the bill.

  1. How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The federal government influences the actions of state and local governments through policy formulation and federal law as a standard priority when policies at different levels conflict, or through financial support. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has provided financial and resource assistance to all levels of government, such as economic assistance to businesses, and assistance with medical resources such as vaccines, testing medical supplies, etc. In terms of policy, the federal government has authorized all levels of government to take necessary measures to combat the epidemic, such as issuing stay-at-home regulations.