A note about rewritten exams

Hi class,

I’m getting notifications from Dropbox that a number of students have uploaded rewritten versions of their first exam.

This is good, but most of the students who have uploaded their rewritten exams, have forgotten to send me an email, letting me know that they have uploaded rewritten exams.

I teach 5 courses this semester, that’s about 130 students. If you upload a revised exam, send me an email, reminding me to regrade it. Otherwise, I won’t notice, and it won’t be regraded.

The Exam has been graded

Hi class,

I just finished grading the exam. Here’s a couple of important points related to it:

Grades for all graded exams have been entered on our class Blackboard page – you can see your exam grade on the Exam 1 column in the Grade Center.

  1. Everyone should have received an email from my Dropbox account, with a link to your graded exam. Clicking on the link should send you to your graded exam. Please take a look at my overall comments on top of your exam paper, and any margin notes on the right side of the page of your exam.
  2. If you didn’t receive a link from Dropbox via email with your graded Exam, that means:
    • You uploaded your exam as a PDF or some other type document that cannot be opened for editing on Dropbox. This means your exam has not been graded and you didn’t get credit for it. I specifically noted on the exam paper that your exams must be in Microsoft Word format (.DOC or .DOCX files) for this reason. If this includes you, please re-upload your exam in the correct Word format, and send me an email, so I can go ahead and grade it.
    • Another reason you didn’t receive a link via Dropbox, is that you submitted the exam in the correct document format, but you forgot to write your email, so there was no way for me to email you the link to your exam. If this situation includes you, just email me and tell me to send you the link to your graded exam.

3. Rewriting the exam for a higher grade: If you grade was anything lower than an “A”, you have the option of rewriting the questions on your exam that you lost credit on. Simply review the notes and suggestions I made on your exam, rewrite any of the questions that I deducted points from, re-upload it again, and send me an email so I can go ahead and re-grade your exam. Students generally like this option, as it is an opportunity to do the best you can on the exam, so please take advantage of it.

4. If you have any questions about your exam, don’t hesitate to contact me.


I have entered the grades for the quiz.

Some students took the quiz multiple times, even 4 or 5 times, even tough there were no instructions to do that. I’m not sure why they did that, perhaps to try to improve their grade with repeated tries. What’s the point of having a quiz, if such practices would contribute to a higher grade?

Obviously, you were expected to take the quiz once – so I only counted your very first completed quiz for your quiz grade.

Also, in my instructions I urged the class not to rush taking the quiz, some students completed the quiz within 1 hour of its posting… why rush so much?

The quiz grades are not a significant part of the final course grade, this was just a practice for the upcoming First Exam.

The First Exam is a significant part of the final course grade, and I urge you to take the full week to write it. The exam will be in short-essay format and will be posted this coming Sunday.