1/ Ruth Gilmore says that capitalism will stop being racial capitalism, when all the white people disappear from the story. What’s the connection between “whiteness” and racism, do you think?

The connection is very clear because those who benefit and have benefited from capitalism has been white people. For capitalism to stand it requires inequality which on different levels is racism and other issues that separate and divide us as humans. So in order for racial capitalism to not exist we would have to go back and basically hope for racism and inequality to have necessarily occurred.

2/ Gilmore makes the point that criminals are actually being created by the criminal justice and prison system (she says “the category of ‘criminal person’ can be perpetuated”). According to Gilmore, how does that happen, how does the prison system create new “criminals“? Do you agree with her view?

It happens because the system and those in power have had a history of corruption and highlighting marginalized groups and communities. Lack of opportunity, fairness and accountability which contributes to profiling, conditioning and corruption all plays a major role. Instead of erasing or dismantling issues they have a habit of heightening fears and creating worse atmospheres for people of color mostly. It’s like cycles and one helps the other component last longer.

3/ Describe how your understand what Prof. Gilmore – in the last part of her video – calls “liberation struggle”?

Prof. Gilmore talks about how Liberation struggles basically are based on where you are and your needs. Whenever meaning a layer of things and those struggling to change. Those who are in a neighborhood or area that isn’t necessarily a city or popularized, their isolated struggles and how they remain or build communities. Another form of the oppressed being under threat while trying to understand why’s. Deep diving into their environment and history to make sense of why they’re the most vulnerable in the eyes of the system.

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