1) In the past, society favored white people, giving them advantages and making it harder for racial minorities. Racism keeps this unfairness going by giving white people more benefits and treating minorities unfairly. This means power and resources mostly stay with white people. Ruth Gilmore talks about racial capitalism, which explains how capitalism and racial hierarchies are connected. In this system, black and brown people often get exploited and left out for the benefit of others. She suggests that capitalism will only stop being racial capitalism when we dismantle the structures that give white people power and privilege. This means fighting against systems of racial oppression and inequality, including how non-white people are treated unfairly and used for profit.

2) Gilmore says the criminal justice system creates new criminals by labeling people and punishing them. These hits marginalized groups hardest, especially black and brown individuals. Poverty, lack of education, and discrimination play a big role, trapping people in cycles of crime and prison. She stresses how structural factors lead people into the criminal justice system. She says we should focus on tackling poverty and inequality instead of just punishing, to break the cycle of incarceration. I largely agree with Gilmore. The justice system often ignores the social and economic causes of crime, favoring punishment over solutions. These hits marginalized groups hardest, trapping them in cycles of poverty and prison.

3) In the video’s final part, Prof. Gilmore describes liberation struggle as marginalized communities uniting to dismantle oppressive systems. It involves organizing, protesting, and advocating for justice to create a fairer society where everyone can thrive.

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