1. Ruth Gilmore says that capitalism will stop being racial capitalism, when all the white people disappear from the story. What’s the connection between “whiteness” and racism, do you think?

Ruth Gilmore says that capitalism will stop being racial capitalism when white peopel disappear becuase the connection between “Whiteness” and racial capitalism in our historical exploitation and inequality. Whitness has been privileged within capitalist sociaties. Gilmore says that dismantling racial capitalism necessitates confronting and eliminating the privileges and power structures connected with whiteness.

2. Gilmore makes the point that criminals are actually being created by the criminal justice and prison system (she says “the category of ‘criminal person’ can be perpetuated”). According to Gilmore, how does that happen, how does the prison system create new “criminals“? Do you agree with her view? 

Gilmore says that the criminal justice and prison system creates criminals and targets certain populations. Example like targeting marginalized communities, particularly Black and brown people, through discriminatory policing practices, harsh sentencing policies, and unequal access to legal services. Yes I do agree with her point of view because you see this now and before where people are targeted by where they live, dress and look.

3. Describe how your understand what Prof. Gilmore – in the last part of her video – calls “liberation struggle”?

In the last part of her video when Prof. Gilmore calls “liberation struggle” she is refering to the specific needs and struggles of the people. They are taking action and collective efforts from the people from the communities and societies to achieve freedom, justice and equality by challenging and dismantling oppresive system and structures from social, economic and cultural domains. Gilmore goes on to discuss the need for grassroots organizing, coalition building, and cross-social movement cooperation as key components of liberation campaigns.

One thought on “Dayana Guerrero

  1. Hi Dayana,

    I liked how you understood Ruth Gilmore’s views on capitalism, racial inequity, the criminal justice system, and liberation movements from your well-written comments. 

    Extending Gilmore’s claim about capitalism and whiteness, what role do you believe the historical legacies of slavery and colonization play in the continuation of racial capitalism? Do any instances from today show this relationship?

    Gilmore draws attention to how discriminating police practices breed new “criminals.” What interactions between the criminal justice system and more general society elements like poverty and limited access to resources and education could sustain prison cycles?

    In discussing liberation movements, Gilmore stresses coalition building and grassroots organization. Could you provide instances of current social movements that follow these ideas, and how well do you believe they have succeeded in opposing repressive regimes?

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