M. Alexander argues that the reasoning behind many people being incarcerated was wrong. She argues that the war on drugs was merely a cover up to get more people of color and people living in poverty into jail. M. Alexander mentions how the CIA admitted to bringing drugs into the U.S illegally and putting them into black neighborhoods for them to sell. So how could it be a war on drugs when the higher ups are bringing the drugs in. The war on drugs was just a cover up so that white people could maintain power over black people.

The rates if incarceration cannot be compared to rate of drug crimes because the rates of drug crime between the two races are fairly similar. However, there are far more minorities, specifically African Americans, being incarcerated rather than people of white people. There are way more minorities who are incarcerated than there are white people. Some may say that the difference is a form of systematic oppression.

I view that statement as M. Alexander saying that the United States has set up a system where they are still able to control and oppress the minorities without it being seen as slavery or racism. Deep down when your own research is done, a lot of connections can be made and shown to prove that the system has been set up to oppress the minority.

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