3.1 Module Discussion Board. Marvin

1.ideology is basically a culmination of values, beliefs and ideas that­­­ shape how individuals and or groups in society interpret society and their world around them. Many groups can have a direct impact on how you draw inferences of your ideology which include social, political, economic, or even culturally. All these groups can have a profound influence on your decision making which ultimately creates your life and worldviews. Two common ideologies most people of today’s society may classify with is liberal and conservative ideologies.

2. As we have come to learn in life, no two things are the same. This case is also true when referring to conservative and liberal ideologies. On the one hand conservative ideology suggests that the large government poses a threat to our individual liberty. They believe in the free market and that everyone has the same 24 hours in the day. In other words, if you are poor and working in the middle class it’s because your either lazy or incapable and it has nothing to do with the actual government. Yet relies on the government to govern anything that can be a threat to their well beings and or wealth, i.e harsher prison sentences, monitoring and surveillance of others less fortunate than them and to protect the assists to their capitalist world views. Also, they believe in a strong defense and support money being poured into the military. Liberals however believe and lean into the aid of the government and firmly believe that they’re here to serve a purpose helping solve societal issues. Liberals understand that the free market the conservatives love so much in fact won’t be fair to everyone. Liberals cherish equality and have deep rooted beliefs in government intervention.

3. Louis Althusser, a French Marxist philosopher, offers a nuanced and influential definition of ideology. There were two apparatus he believed which are Repressive state apparatus and Ideological state apparatus. According to Althusser, ideology is more than just a set of ideas or beliefs it’s an integrated system that plays a crucial role in maintaining social structures and power relations. Althusser uses the concept of interpellation to explain how ideology “hails” or “calls” individuals into social roles. Through interpellation, individuals are positioned within ideological frameworks that define their identity and social function. This process helps individuals recognize themselves as part of a social structure and adhere to its norms and values.

Suhaila Hssayane – Ideology

I understood ideology to be an individual’s belief system according to political socialization. Political socialization is essentially the basis by which an individual determines their political stance. There are many factors that influence political socialization; a prominent factor being family. It’s evident that a child’s relationship with their parents can possibly influence their political views. For example, a child who had a generally healthy upbringing will most likely adopt the same political views as their parents while a child who grew up in a toxic household will rebel against their parent’s political views. However, most children grow up to adopt the same political views as their parents. Another crucial factor that affects political socialization is one’s social identity. This includes aspects such as; race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and age. It’s been noted that men are considered to have more conservative views while female values tend to be more liberal. Economic self interest is also a component in determining political stance. An individual is most likely going to align with values that benefit themselves.

Most American’s resonate between two political ideologies. This first includes the Conservative (Right) point of view, while the second includes the Liberal (Left) stance. Conservatism believes in having the smallest government possible. It is said that a large government poses a threat to individual liberty. Instead, conservatives believe in stronger individual state power rather than allocating all strength to the federal government. In doing so, they claim that lower government spending results in lower taxes. Additionally, involvement in the free market and little regulation of big businesses are components of conservative beliefs. Conservatives also believe in having a strong military therefore the government should designate much of their budget to supporting military spending. Traditional values are a crucial forefront to the conservative agenda, specifically Christian values. On the other hand, Liberalism praises a big central government. Much of liberalism was inspired by New Deal policies. Liberalists consider the government to be responsible for social and environmental issues in order to ensure the well-being of all individuals and the planet. The liberal agenda opposes heavy military spending and support tighter gun control. Instead, liberalists believe that government spending should be allocated towards minority groups and that heavier taxes should be placed on the wealthy. Although liberalists support a big government, they do not believe the government should interfere with peoples personal lives. A prominent personal issue that liberalists oppose government involvement in is the right to abortion. Government disengagement in the free market and regulation of big businesses is a key principle of liberalism.

Althusser’s definition of ideology stems from the roots of capitalism. He describes how individuals believe in principles subconsciously due to repressive and ideological intervention. The repressive component is simply described as fear. This includes the implementation of police, prisons, and courts so that people’s beliefs may align with the things that while keep them away from punishment (whether subjectively right or wrong). The ideological principle is broken down into several subcategories describes as apparatuses. These apparatuses trick the individual into investing their intellectually energy into areas that wont make a difference but give them a sense of belonging. In turn, this sense of belonging promotes subservience and obedience (breeds docile individuals). The consumer apparatus entails dressing or owning specific articles to identify with a certain social group. For example, wearing glasses and dressing preppy eludes to the individual belonging to a higher social class while articles of clothing such as ripped jeans imply otherwise. Rather than someone’s income determining social class, a falsified illusion is brought about by materialistic items. Instead of finding ways to elevate in social class (make more money), an individual will feel richer than they are through materialism, therefore not finding the need to elevate, in turn remaining docile. Another apparatus discussed in the entertainment apparatus. The average worker is more likely to identify as a sports fan rather than a worker. Because this worker identifies as a “sports fan”, they will rather attend games than to come together with other workers to protest for higher wages and better rights. By shifting one’s identity to something more entertaining, people are less likely to focus on what really matters. The last apparatus discussed was the school apparatus. This entails the concept that we are subconsciously taught as children what we should believe. Five days a week, 8 hours a day; the school system implements into our heads what should be considered wrong and what should be considered right. The mind of a child is like a sponge, constantly absorbing the stimuli of its environment.

Shaniqua Holmes -Ideology

A. In my view Ideology can be described as people who share different beliefs. These beliefs can be influenced by, family, principles, politics and etc. People can share the same ideologies based on culture, family dynamic, or morals. ideologies also allow for separation of groups based on what they believe in.

B. An example of Ideology there is a Christian church and a Jehovah witness church. They share a belief in God; however, they don’t share the same beliefs in their God. Christians believes Jesus is the son of God. While Jehovah witness believes in the Holy Trinity the father, the son, the holy spirit. Now people who maybe apart of either of these groups will argue that the other is wrong based on their beliefs.

C. Ideology can also be categorized as Conservative and Liberal giving different perspectives on people’s views. Liberal wants freedom and equality, while Conservative wants equality with minimal change.

2. The difference between Liberal and Conservative Ideology is Liberal wants freedom of choice, liberty for change. Conservative does not want change unless it’s necessary. Conservative ideology refers to traditional way of things their motto “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. Liberal sees change as effective help build the community change allows room for growth exploring. Conservative sees change as “the grass may not be greener on the other side”, meaning just because it sounds like it will work doesn’t mean it won’t.

3. Althusser definition of Ideology to me is people want to believe in something that isn’t real. Althusser felt people act on something and then believe in it. Example: Politicians allow people to think that the two parties are against each other. You have the democratic party; you have the republican party. During election time its campaigns, debates, speeches, and advertisement of what will be done if elected. People go out to vote thinking their votes counts, because people are in fear of making a bad choice out of the two worst choices. Interpellation individuals within rules of punctuality, politicians, and obedience of authority. School where the teacher has authority over the students. Politicians’ authority over the people.

Discussion board- Juan Carlos Rodriguez

Juan Carlos Rodríguez 
a) Describe what ideology is in a brief paragraph (in your own words). 

Ideology is essentially who you are based on beliefs, those believes are often influenced by people in our lives from politics to morality. Ideology also helps us distinguish right from wrong. Same ideology is used by the government to distinguish right from wrong. Only differences is the punishment, which often leads to prison.

b) Give an example illustrating what you wrote in (a).

when you’re in school and you see someone misbehave and never follow the rules you start to believe that they’ll grow up to no good and often that is the case for people that don’t follow the rules have a higher chance of ending up involved in the criminal system. Teachers try to enforce good ideology on us by Setting rules in the classroom like raising your hands to speak or suspension or detention for those who speak without permission.

c) Write another paragraph (or two), explaining to your reader with additional details, how you understand ideology.

ideology is not just limited to behavior, but also your believes when it comes to freedom or equality as you start to develop your ideology, you fall into a certain group type, some end up conservatives other liberal etc.

(Question) How do you understand the difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics? What seem to be the big differences, the dividing line? Given an example to backup your arguments.

to me, liberal ideology is more focused on equality and higher taxes also benefiting from government involvement. Conservatives believe in the free market lets government involvement and often have religious beliefs like Catholics. There’s also a lot of diversity with liberals compared to conservatives usually conservatives have more money and usually dominated by one race.

Discussion Board 3.1

So, we’ve encountered three different overviews of what ideology is, but let’s organize our own thinking about it. In this discussion board, think about and comment on the following questions:

1. Keeping in mind the material covered in this lesson, describe how you understand ideology in your own words.
Hint: One way to approach this is as follows
a) Describe what ideology is in a brief paragraph (in your own words).
b) Give an example illustrating what you wrote in (a).
c) Write another paragraph (or two), explaining to your reader with additional details, how you understand ideology.

2. How do you understand the difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics? What seem to be the big differences, the dividing line? Given an example to backup your arguments.
Hint: try to identify key words (concepts) that play a big role in making someone consider themselves to be liberal or conservative. Then, explain in your own words what those keywords (concepts) mean.

3. How do you understand Althusser’s definition of ideology? Paraphrase it in your own words. Given an example. Hint: you may have to watch the second video again, and find the few places where Althusser’s position is presented.

Hint: Remember, the discussion boards are crucial for us this semester, because they reproduce our in-class conversations. Try to be thorough and write more, rather than less. I will do the same, and make sure by the time we end our discussion, we have covered the key ideas on the module.

To organize things better, I have broken up our conversation into two parts. After finishing here, head over to Discussion Board 3 – part 2 .

Before posting, watch this video, which will show you how to post your answer to this discussion board:

NOTE: Once you’ve scheduled your post to be published on at midnight on Sunday, you can still go back and edit your post until then, if you want to rewrite and/or add to your post.

As a review, follow the following steps to submit your response:

  1. Click on the “+” button in the black bar at the top of the screen
  2. Type a title for the post (it should include your full name)
  3. Type your response
  4. On the right side, click on Categories: and check “Discussion 3.1”
  5. Important: On the right side, at the top: click on the date next to Publish, and enter your post date, which is this coming Sunday, at 11:59pm.
  6. Click Publish and you’re done.

What will happen next is your post will automatically be published by the OpenLab system on Sunday at midnight. The goal here is for all student posts to be published at the same deadline. After that point, you can begin reading each others’ posts, and you have to comment on at least one other student’s post.

Note: please make sure that you schedule your post to be published on Sunday, midnight, not before.