Hi class,
As I’m reading through the many excellent and detailed discussion board posts you have written, I have noticed that a number of students are completing these assignments by Commenting under my post for each discussion board assignment.
This is not the correct way to submit discussion board posts. The correct way is outlined in Discussion Board 3.1 by a video of mine. Most students are correctly Posting their discussion board assignments.
I have around 120 students, who are using the OpenLab one way or another, so it is crucial that all assignments are entered in a uniform way. Please, if you are completing discussion boards by simply commenting underneath my post, then you will not receive credit for such work.
Please post your assignments by following my instructions. If you are unsure how to do this, simply email me and I’ll be more than happy to go over the process.
Again, no credit will be given for any discussion board posts that are incorrectly entered as Comments underneath my post for each discussion board.