7.1- Juan Carlos Rodriguez

1)        In a confederation citizens have a larger power compared to the government itself, usually having a better relationship with said government mainly interacting with state governments

1)        In a federal system like the one in place in the United States of America Every four years citizens vote for a person to represent everyone for a cycle of four years they can be elected again for an additional four years after that someone you must take its place people that are elected. Have the power to change laws and policies so it is crucial, that people choose someone who they align with because they’re every day life could change.

1)        In a unitary system revolves around having all the power in a national government. National decisions are more uniformed and compacted.

2)        Division of power is how *power* is spread within the government with different levels of government like state by state government and federal government. As en example the United States of America has two powers, state and national. Having two powers acts as a balance so that one power takes all. Instead it is balanced out.

3)        Federal government response to Covid 19 in New York was strong, we had more funding for Medicaid but also unfounded mandates which means New York had to meet federal standards without financial support on a federal level.

Juan Carlos Rodríguez 5.3

1.        To me something surprising to see was the surplus and just how high it is. French economist says that %166 surplus emerged which means that for every $90 an employee makes, the owner would make $149.40. But let’s bump it up even more that same employee that makes $90 a day and assuming the employee works 5 days a week for a year, that employee would make 23.400 and the owner would make 62,244 minus 23,400 paid to the employee, it leaves the owner with 38,844 profit.

2.        Education inequalities, wealthier parents usually send their children to expensive school and better education, they also live in safe neighborhoods and the students end up getting a better degree due to having the money for college. Others only graduate high school and because they are wealthy due to their parents, they get higher paying jobs. Sometimes it’s their own parents that give their kids a position on their own business and earn more than any student who went to a public school and just starting college.

Juan Carlos Rodríguez 5.2

As we learned thus far, the capitalist class consists of people who own wealth, as well as the means of production in American society. An important question in understanding how this class works is to ask: how does a capitalist remain wealthy? The answer to this question depends largely on understanding the diagram M-C-M’. So, let’s practice by explaining what happens in this diagram in our own words (but basing our ideas on Reading 5.1). Respond to the following question:  Explain M-C-M’ to show how capitalists maintain and increase their wealth. (hint: your answer should weave a summary that includes what you reviewed in the self-assessment exercise question 1-7)

M.C.M stands for money commodities and more Money: money is the bases of everything in a capitalist economy money is best seen as capital for capital or better way to say it, an investment. Spending money to make money usually seen in the likes of merchants or street vendors. They buy a product and sell it at a higher price and make a profit. This is why merchants travel far and wide. Merchants buy a product in a place where that product is plentiful (therefore the price is lower) and then sell it at a place where that item is less common (at a higher price).

Money for commodities on the other hand is money used to buy materials and equipment to make products as well as labor (employees) to make that product.

Then that product gets sold and make even more profit because of mass production.

Juan Carlos Rodríguez 5.1

1.    Two key concepts in this video are the means of production and labor. In your comment, explain how you understand the means of production and labor. Give an example of each

Means of production refers to resources and machinery needed for something to be made as well as building or land.

Labor on the other hand is what humans add to the mix, often being on hand labor to produce the goods from the means of production.

A good example is Mc Donald’s, the owners of McDonald provide the means of production like fryers cashier tables and chairs and then workers provide labor by making food for the customers.

2.    Another important concept in understanding social class is valueBased on the ideas presented in Video 5.1what is value?  What give “value” to value, what makes something valuable? 

To have something valuable you must make it valuable like his example of the block of wood. If you have a block of wood and you do nothing with it then it’s just a block of wood with no significant value but by turning it into a chair the value goes up.

3.    How are labor and value related? What’s the relationship/connection between the two?

Using the example of McDonald’s workers create the labor like making a burger, but before the burger is done, it is simply bread and raw meat in the freezer while both of them have value in it of itself, combining them into a burger by the labor of workers it’s value goes up. Time is money, so labor = time. The more time something takes the more valuable it is unless you are just lazy and take forever to make something that would otherwise take less time.

4.    How do you understand the difference between labor and labor power? Hint:this is a key difference, give it your best shot based on what the video says about it, and your own ideas. We’ll clarify and develop it in our discussions, and in my video comments.

Labor power is the laborers ability to produce something. Or the laborers abilities in general that contributes to production.

5.    Surplus Value: what is it? Why is it important to know about, in our study of social classes? Think about an example of surplus value?

Surplus is the amount the owners make after expenses

For example, if an employee at subway makes $90 a day that same day that employe has to make a profit for the owners to justify their $90 a day. A worker that makes the owner $300 a day means that the owner keeps $210 profit after paying the worker his or her “fair” wage of $90.

Juan Carlos Rodriguez- 4.2

  1. What is the distinction that Reading 4.3 makes between owners and employees? Give an example of each.

    in the reading 4.3 there’s clear difference between owner and employee, for example owners control production and labor meaning the ‘goods’ (or product) and those who sell the goods (employees) employees have to sell the goods to get their wages

    2. How do you understand the quote by Adam Smith on pg. 28? What is it saying about labor?

      the quote by Adam Smith on page 28 to me seems to indicate that labor is the root towards being rich.

      3. What are your thoughts on the main argument of Reading 4.4 that class is NOT an identity?

        it’s instead system of production. The teachers would act as owners and students as employees teachers create labor, and students do the labor.

        4. How do you understand the argument Reading 4.4. makes when stating that “class structures are built around a close form of dependency”? What is this close form of dependency, and can you think of an example?

          Class structure is built on the pendency because students need teachers to learn. They depend on them. They depend on their teachers for their grades and even depend on the teachers for their safety. Teachers depend on students in order to maintain their wages if too many students complain at the teacher is not doing their job properly that teacher could be fired. an example would be the owner of Uber eats depends on its delivery drivers to make deliveries in order to make a profit, and Uber eats drivers depend on their job provided by the owner in order to maintain a wage.

          Juan Carlos Rodríguez discussion board 4.1

          For some reason projects.newyorker is down

          For this reason I’ll be using the example the professor used in the professor’s video overview.

          1. Do you notice any similarities in the way social class is discussed in readings 4.1 and 4.2? Do you notice any differences in the way these two readings DIFFERENTIATE between social classes?

            yes, the graph is similar in the way it demonstrates higher class is drastically higher
            Yes there are differences in the video the top 1% were on a league of their own on the far right.

            2. Pick the station closest to where you live. Using the concepts from Reading 4.1, what social class tends to live in your neighborhood? Are you surprised (or not) by the answer? Do you feel it is an accurate representation of the people living in your neighborhood?

              I am not surprised at all with the graph shown. I think it distinguishes Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens accurately based on income in York Street the mean income is $167k usually wealthy people live around that area where lower manhattan and Brooklyn meet. is the trade capital after all. Brooklyn is shown as the place with the less income, in the far left.

              3. Based on Reading 4.2, do you notice a general pattern about social classes in NYC?

                yes, wealthy people live mostly in manhattan. I also noticed that Brooklyn has 22 stops and half of them don’t reach $50,000 but there is a steady enough growth between Brooklyn and Manhattan Queens, however, has a steady decline

                the graph I used

                discussion board 3.2- Juan Carlos Rodriguez

                1. What is a Repressive State Apparatus? Why does Althusser call it “repressive”? Can we explain his choice of words here. Give an example.

                Repressive state apparatus is when the government use force to keep citizens in line and follow rules. This is also why he calls it repressive, because of the use of force in order to keep the population obedient. I think he used the word repressive because which ever country uses repressive state apparatus does not kindly ask citizens to obey the law pretty please with cherry on top instead law is enforced by saying, follow the law and live in society or break the law and you’ll be removed.

                2. Let’s do the same for the Ideological State Apparatuses. What are they, how do they seem to work? 

                ideological state apparatus, they use the ideologies in order to enforce law, like changing someone’s beliefs and shaping their morals and values those values often starts in a school environment. Or for adults in religious institutions like a church.

                3. Post an example of ideology. This could be a piece of writing, an image, video, pdf document, visual art, or music, clip from a movie. Next to your example, specify if this is an example of repressive or ideological apparatuses at work. I’ll start us of off by giving an example.

                In this clip from the critically acclaimed video game, red dead redemption 2 the main character Arthur Morgan went fishing with a little boy named Jack after that we appreciate repressive apparatus from the Pinkerton Detective agency as detective Milton and detective Ross confront Arthur Morgan, both sides get heated up and agent Milton says “you people venerate savagery and you will die savagely”

                later on in the story, the Pinkerton detective agency catch up with the outlaw gang in their own camp:

                in this clip the leader dutch uses ideology to justify his wicked ways, he does what he does to live. after the Pinkerton show up in (1:00) telling everyone that their way of life is coming to an end they can either get with the program and live like decent human beings or alternatively they get locked up or hanged. We also see ideology in Dutch saying “this place is no such thing as civilized it is man so in love with greed, that he has lost himself and found only appetites” Dutch critique civilization by questioning the idea that civilization represents progress which in the time this game takes place historically was a time of expansion and industrialization. He uses the word “greed” when talking about the civilized people, he says that because he argues that society only progresses by biting more than they can chew. Taking what wasn’t theirs and valuing riches over human bonds. Like the bond he has with his gang. In a way, he’s also saying that society and the outlaws have more in common than one might think.

                Discussion board- Juan Carlos Rodriguez

                Juan Carlos Rodríguez 
                a) Describe what ideology is in a brief paragraph (in your own words). 

                Ideology is essentially who you are based on beliefs, those believes are often influenced by people in our lives from politics to morality. Ideology also helps us distinguish right from wrong. Same ideology is used by the government to distinguish right from wrong. Only differences is the punishment, which often leads to prison.

                b) Give an example illustrating what you wrote in (a).

                when you’re in school and you see someone misbehave and never follow the rules you start to believe that they’ll grow up to no good and often that is the case for people that don’t follow the rules have a higher chance of ending up involved in the criminal system. Teachers try to enforce good ideology on us by Setting rules in the classroom like raising your hands to speak or suspension or detention for those who speak without permission.

                c) Write another paragraph (or two), explaining to your reader with additional details, how you understand ideology.

                ideology is not just limited to behavior, but also your believes when it comes to freedom or equality as you start to develop your ideology, you fall into a certain group type, some end up conservatives other liberal etc.

                (Question) How do you understand the difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics? What seem to be the big differences, the dividing line? Given an example to backup your arguments.

                to me, liberal ideology is more focused on equality and higher taxes also benefiting from government involvement. Conservatives believe in the free market lets government involvement and often have religious beliefs like Catholics. There’s also a lot of diversity with liberals compared to conservatives usually conservatives have more money and usually dominated by one race.