1. According to MLK, how can we tell the difference between just and unjust laws? Understanding this questions is the most important part of this module, and I will ask it again during our second exam.
  2. In your view, is this an important distinction (between just and unjust laws), do you think it makes a difference in the way someone (as an individual, or our society as a whole) lives their lives? Can it affect our politics?
  3. Based on our discussion of Question 1, give an example each, of an unjust and just law, in the US today. Explain what makes it unjust or just (using MLK’s definition of those two types of laws).

Answers …

1)Just laws that doesn’t destroy an individual’s personality. Are morally right. Unjust laws are laws that destroy someone’s personality. And not moral at all and are unGodly.

2) Yes there is a distinction. If people are following unjust laws there’s going to be more suffering in society. Unjust laws are hurting people and as Martin Luther King states it’s not of God. So if a society would decide to want to live by unjust laws it’s not a right way to live. There definitely is a distinction. Just laws is being fair no matter race ,gender or religion everyone should be treated the same.

3)An unjust law today I would say is “stand your Ground law ” self defense . It was use as defense for Zimmerman with the Trayvon Martin case . Zimmerman was able to walk because he claimed it was self-defense and he was able to use deadly force if he felt threatened. Treyvon Martin did not have any weapon and was actually walking away from Zimmerman to avoid him. It was completely unjust. A just law is the rights we have , the right for due process .

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