1. In what ways is the court system better suited to protect the individual, than are the elected branches of government (such as Congress and the President; or the Mayor of NYC and the NYC City Assembly)? Give an example to illustrate your argument.

This is why the bill of rights and the constitution were made. The court system follows due process where we have a chance to protect ourselves against government, society. The bill of rights are there to protect us in mostly everything illegal not giving the government complete control over our lives and following what is just and fair .

2. Think about how federal judges get to become judges – unlike Presidents, Mayors and members of Congress (and other legislatures), they are not elected, but rather appointed. Many Americans have thus called the federal courts system, and especially the Supreme Court, anti-democratic PLACES IN OUR GOVERNMENT. Do you agree that the Supreme Court, for example, is an anti-democratic part of our government? What could be the reason for this way of choosing judges in federal courts? (HINT: think about our discussion of “Federalist #10”, and which social class plays a leading role in our government system.)

yes I agree.I believe we should also have a vote in who our judges are as well just as how we are able to vote for the president etc.. Judges have way too much power for decision making in a persons life.A position like that very delicate and the right people have to be in place for matters like of that sort.This is why three branches were made so one branch wouldn’t more superior than the other but come together and to make it as fair as it can be for the people.

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