
1.P. Williams writes in her essay, that the war on terror is a new type of a war. What’s new about it, how is it different from traditional wars?
In the article war on terror, I can see how its different and its different beacuse its not war againt real enemy, nor is it war againt another land but its war againt unruly if deadly emotionalism. By this the article its refering to "A war againt terrorism is a war of the mind. In Addition to anyone can be a enenmy when I am scared. When one is blinded by grief, they tend to blame anyone, they tend to find justice, start judging everyone, become prejudice esspecilly agaaint a certain type of people, and tramatic loss can also mean sometimes you would want to hurt anyone in your path.

2.In what ways does the “Roving Wiretaps” of the Patriot Act seem to violate the Bill of Rights? Which amendment(s) does it seem to violate and why?
From what i uderstood the Bill of rights is the contitution andthe contitution is the Amendments. So, the Roving wiretaps seem to violate the 3rd amendment by not providing consent to the person who is being watched and there should be a consent. Also, it violates the 4thAmendment it needs to have a warrant or probable cause to be searched and if there is no provocation the police or government has no right in Roving wiretapes.

3.What about “Sneek and Peek” Warrants?
Sneak peek is searching private property with out a search warrant in order ro investigate but not for a long period of time and when aksed why they are being searched they still ahve to answer the quetion.This also violates the 3rd and 4th Amendment being searched without a warrent and without probable cause. And not having consent to do so.

Bill of rights in politics

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