
1.What is the distinction that Reading 4.3 makes between owners and employees? Give an example of each.
Owners: live off of the invesment, they own wealth by living off of their employees. Wealth is that, that has high value For exaample an owner can be someone that owns a Retail business, they make wealth of of their sellers who are the employeees and how much they sell.
An employees: lives off of wages, salary, and they have tto learn to seel them selves to the Capitalist. They are forced to find jobs an example of an empoyees is someone who is a waiter, they work for the owner and they live off of a salary.

2.How do you understand the quote by Adam Smith on pg. 28? What is it saying about labor?
What i understood of the quote Adam was talking about was Labor value is human value, in other words the most important thing that is produced, its produced by people. That allowes us to survive and it is more important because more effort was put into it. For example field workers what they do is very valuable fo giving ther time and effort in picking the fresh fruits and vegatables and what they do human labor is valuable.

3.What are your thoughts on the main argument of Reading 4.4 that class is NOT an identity?
My thoughts on this topic is that it is true class is not an identity. I agree because class can change for anyone. For example you can have a dollor but also be the major of New York city. Class does not define you.

4.How do you understand the argument Reading 4.4. makes when stating that “class structures are built around a close form of dependency”? What is this close form of dependency, and can you think of an example?
Dependency, is the relationship between owners and workres and that is very important If there is no relationship between owner and worker then they cannot come to an agreement about the labor value that the worker will give to the capital list and the capitalist can not make his wealth off of the labor value that the worker can give and everything is just a balance between both owner and worker and that is what dependency is the importance of their relationship Depends on both And the agreement They will have to benefit both.

Social class

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