1. The term factions remind me of the first module we discussed which was ideology.
  2. According to Madison, the source of wealth comes from the diversity in the faculty of men, faculties refering to peoples capabilities. Madison believed that people whom share different abilities have different outcomes in the terms of wealth an financial status.
  3. I agree with his explanation of wealth and poverty to an extent, people of different backgrounds and talent’s very well do have different outcomes finacially. Someone who is a song writer will have a different wealth outcome than someone who is an architect.
  4. The first object of the U.S. government is to support and protect the rights of individuals. It does surprise me, the 21st century government focuses on things such as education, and healthcare, something Madison didn’t hold a concern for.
  5. This is not surprising, while it did seem that Madison may be for the people, we also have to take into consideration the framers goal to balance out the interests of different social classes, while also trying to stray away from factionalism. Madison didn’t want a pure democratic form of government because of the protection of the elite interest, the fear of tyranny, as well as the representation of diverse interest. They didn’t want a pure democratic government because a lower class of people may not always be as rational as someone of a higher status, and Madison as well as other framers didn’t want the, to threaten stability or property righst

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