Based on the arguments presented in Readings 6.1 and 6.2, which social class wrote the Constitution, and which class was excluded and not allowed to participate in this process? In your comment, make sure you clearly specify the difference between the two classes by giving examples from the readings.
The upper class were the ones who wrote the Constitution. Both readings 6.1 and 6.2 detail greatly upon as “big landowners, merchants and bankers exercised a strong influence over political economic life.” The classes that were excluded and were not allowed to participate in this process were lower class. As stated in Reading 6.1, “All Native Americans, persons of African descent, women, indentured servants and white males lacking sufficient property.” As the upper class are included with individuals with wealth and power and the lower class are included with individuals with less wealth and power, this was very unfair. Throughout the timeline of writing the Constitution, only property owning white males were able to vote. Within reading 6.2, the quote “the government wanted a stronger central power that would resold ve problems among the thirteen states regarding trade and duties, protect. overseas commercial and diplomatic interests, effectively propagate the financial and commercial interests of the affluent class and defend the wealthy from the competing claims of other class within the society.”
Would say that the social class structure of early United States society, was the same as ours today, or different? Explain.
The social class structure of early United States society I would describe is about different from ours today. As prior to years ago, only upper classes and those who were wealthy enough have such great power of authority. In today’s society, we all have an equal amount of power to be able to speak on what we feel. Although many political and economical living has many individuals who are born into or become wealthy, no matter what social class you are in, you have power to become and speak upon what you believe in and for what is right within our society.
Why were the people who wrote the Constitution so afraid of democracy? Hint: think about how to answer this question by discussing it in terms of social classes.
The people, our Founding Fathers, who wrote the Constitution were so afraid of democracy. In Reading 6.1, George Washington stated “to contain the threat of the people rather than to embrace their participation and their competence.” The founding fathers themselves were wealthy and powerful however, they wanted “to contain the threat of the people rather than embrace their participation and their competence.”