1. A concept that reminds me of a faction is religion. Groups of people who have different beliefs in their religion. 
  2. According to Federalist the source of wealth is “the most common and durable source of faction has been the various and unequal distribution of property” A factor That explains why some people don’t get to possess wealth by owning a private property because they don’t have the funds to do so such as wealthier people. As well as the middle and lower social class don’t get the same privileges that the upper social class do. They are treated very differently because of their income.
  3. Yes I somewhat agree what this explanation of wealth and poverty 
  4. “It is to protect and promote u.s security, prosperity and all democratic values and shape an international environment in which all Americans can thrive ” It does surprise me because I don’t really see this being enforced as much as it should be in certain situations. Which is very unfair to those people who have experienced it and are still experiencing it till this day.
  5. I’m not exactly sure why (I had some trouble on this question)

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