
1. Keeping in mind the material covered in this lesson, describe how you understand ideology in your own words.
Hint: One way to approach this is as follows
Ideology is a set of belief and philosophy one has that sets, ideas and behavior, for example ,one can believe that doing assignment last minutes wont effect there performance so that that belief will have the person always doing last minute work and getting a C in class while its still passing, could he gotten a A if he given himself more time to study and prepare. He now has a idea that has long as he passes the class with a C its okay. Therefore , I understood Ideology as belief some has already set there mind on what they think is the truth, shaping there behavior, attitudes and how they conduct them selfs.

2. How do you understand the difference between conservative and liberal ideology in US politics? What seem to be the big differences, the dividing line? Given an example to backup your arguments.
A conservative is someone who believe in a non changing system, they are slow to change and believe in the status quo. A liberal believe in the rights of every person, rather that be in sex, gender, religion, government and law. They are open to change and welcome the change. They are two completly differnt political parties. The dividing line is the change. Conservative dont welcome change from the government while libreals expect change from the government.

3. How do you understand Althusser’s definition of ideology? Paraphrase it in your own words. Given an example. Hint: you may have to watch the second video again, and find the few places where Althusser’s position is presented.

Althussers definition of ideology includes two main ideas. Ideology is a representation of how people perceived the world rather than a direct reflection of it, for Althussers also believed that ideology has a material existence, believeing that ideology is made up of the action and behavior of people rather than ideas of conscious representation people's mind. In other words Ideology for Althussers does not reflect the rea world but represents the imaginary relationchip of individuals.

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