- What is the distinction that Reading 4.3 makes between owners and employees? Give an example of each.
in the reading 4.3 there’s clear difference between owner and employee, for example owners control production and labor meaning the ‘goods’ (or product) and those who sell the goods (employees) employees have to sell the goods to get their wages
2. How do you understand the quote by Adam Smith on pg. 28? What is it saying about labor?
the quote by Adam Smith on page 28 to me seems to indicate that labor is the root towards being rich.
3. What are your thoughts on the main argument of Reading 4.4 that class is NOT an identity?
it’s instead system of production. The teachers would act as owners and students as employees teachers create labor, and students do the labor.
4. How do you understand the argument Reading 4.4. makes when stating that “class structures are built around a close form of dependency”? What is this close form of dependency, and can you think of an example?
Class structure is built on the pendency because students need teachers to learn. They depend on them. They depend on their teachers for their grades and even depend on the teachers for their safety. Teachers depend on students in order to maintain their wages if too many students complain at the teacher is not doing their job properly that teacher could be fired. an example would be the owner of Uber eats depends on its delivery drivers to make deliveries in order to make a profit, and Uber eats drivers depend on their job provided by the owner in order to maintain a wage.